Étiquette : infrastructure (Page 1 of 3)

TPU (Tensor Processing Unit)  |  Google Cloud

“Découvrez la magie des TPU Google Cloud, y compris une vue exceptionnelle des centres de données où se déroule toute l’action. Nos clients utilisent des Cloud TPU pour exécuter certaines des charges de travail d’IA les plus importantes au monde, et cette puissance ne se résume pas à une simple puce. Dans cette vidéo, découvrez les composants du système TPU : mise en réseau de centres de données, commutateurs de circuits optiques, systèmes de refroidissement à eau, vérification de la sécurité biométrique, etc.”

Source : TPU (Tensor Processing Unit)  |  Google Cloud

A Tale of Unwanted Disruption: My Week Without Amazon

“This incident has led me to question my relationship with Amazon. After nearly a decade of loyalty, I’ve been given a harsh reminder that a misunderstanding can lead to such drastic measures. It seems more reasonable to handle such issues in a more compartmentalized way, rather than a blanket shutdown of all services. Due to this experience, I am seriously considering discontinuing my use of Amazon Echo devices and will caution others about this incident. This ordeal has made a case for a more personalized home assistant system, perhaps utilizing Raspberry Pi devices scattered around the house.”

Source : A Tale of Unwanted Disruption: My Week Without Amazon | by Brandon Jackson | Jun, 2023 | Medium

Emergency SOS via satellite made possible by $450M Apple investment


“A $450 million investment from Apple’s Advanced Manufacturing Fund provides the critical infrastructure that supports Emergency SOS via satellite for iPhone 14 models. Available to customers in the US and Canada beginning later this month, the new service will allow iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro models to connect directly to a satellite, enabling messaging with emergency services when outside of cellular and Wi-Fi coverage. A majority of the funding goes to Globalstar, a global satellite service headquartered in Covington, Louisiana, with facilities across the US. Apple’s investment provides critical enhancements to Globalstar’s satellite network and ground stations, ensuring iPhone 14 users are able to connect to emergency services when off the grid. At Globalstar, more than 300 employees support the new service.”

Source : Emergency SOS via satellite made possible by $450M Apple investment – Apple

L’histoire de l’entreprise taïwanaise TSMC est celle de la mondialisation… et de ses limites

Devant l’usine Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) à Tainan, Taiwan, le 18 septembre 2020.

“Les tensions s’accumulent et devraient pousser les entreprises occidentales à vouloir augmenter leurs capacités de production pour réduire les risques d’approvisionnement. » Les tensions s’accumulent d’autant plus que Pékin a été placé dans une situation intenable par Washington. En interdisant à TSMC de vendre ses puces dernier cri au champion chinois du téléphone, Huawei, l’administration américaine a donné un coup d’arrêt à toute la chaîne de l’électronique chinoise, fer de lance de sa conquête mondiale. Privé de ces puces pour ses smartphones, Huawei a été éjecté violemment de cet immense marché. Car les producteurs locaux sont encore très loin en matière de technologie.La Chine importe aujourd’hui pour plus de 370 milliards de dollars de puces par an, davantage que de pétrole !”

Source : L’histoire de l’entreprise taïwanaise TSMC est celle de la mondialisation… et de ses limites

More details about the October 4 outage – Facebook Engineering

More details about the Oct. 4 Facebook outage

“One of the jobs performed by our smaller facilities is to respond to DNS queries. DNS is the address book of the internet, enabling the simple web names we type into browsers to be translated into specific server IP addresses. Those translation queries are answered by our authoritative name servers that occupy well known IP addresses themselves, which in turn are advertised to the rest of the internet via another protocol called the border gateway protocol (BGP).
To ensure reliable operation, our DNS servers disable those BGP advertisements if they themselves can not speak to our data centers, since this is an indication of an unhealthy network connection. In the recent outage the entire backbone was removed from operation, making these locations declare themselves unhealthy and withdraw those BGP advertisements. The end result was that our DNS servers became unreachable even though they were still operational. This made it impossible for the rest of the internet to find our servers.
All of this happened very fast. And as our engineers worked to figure out what was happening and why, they faced two large obstacles: first, it was not possible to access our data centers through our normal means because their networks were down, and second, the total loss of DNS broke many of the internal tools we’d normally use to investigate and resolve outages like this.”

Source : More details about the October 4 outage – Facebook Engineering

Capture d'écran du film The Social Dilemma

“Quand les universitaires s’engagent dans la critique, ils donnent plus d’autorité à ces récits. Quand McKinsey estime que 60 % des professions auront 1/3 de leurs activités automatisées par l’IA, la firme de consulting vend son baratin, la peur qui va avec et tente de faire croire aux dirigeants d’entreprises que leur environnement va radicalement se transformer. Quand l’AI Now Institute cite ce rapport comme une source crédible et affirme que les décideurs politiques devraient le prendre au sérieux et investir de l’argent pour mieux comprendre les problèmes que cela pourrait générer, cela pose un problème, car cette source n’est pas crédible. Au final, l’AI Now Institute rend ces élucubrations plus crédibles qu’elles ne le sont !, affirme Vinsel.”

Source : L’illusion de l’innovation… et l’illusion de sa critique | InternetActu.net

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“Sadly, despite the team’s groundbreaking technical achievements over the last 9 years — doing many things previously thought impossible, like precisely navigating balloons in the stratosphere, creating a mesh network in the sky, or developing balloons that can withstand the harsh conditions of the stratosphere for more than a year — the road to commercial viability has proven much longer and riskier than hoped. So we’ve made the difficult decision to close down Loon. In the coming months, we’ll begin winding down operations and it will no longer be an Other Bet within Alphabet.”

Source : Loon’s final flight. Loon’s time as an Other Bet is coming… | by Astro Teller | Jan, 2021 | X, the moonshot factory

“Starlink is SpaceX’s proposed constellation of thousands of satellites, which are designed to orbit at low altitudes above the Earth and beam internet coverage to the surface below. SpaceX has so far secured licensing from the Federal Communications Commission to launch nearly 12,000 satellites into orbit. And just last week, the company submitted another request to an international regulator, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), asking for radio frequencies to communicate with an additional 30,000 Starlink satellites. That means the company wants the ability to launch an estimated 42,000 satellites into orbit.”

Source : SpaceX aims to provide internet coverage with Starlink constellation as soon as mid-2020 – The Verge


“Google est impliqué dans 15 câbles sous-marins: la société californienne fait partie de 11 consortiums et est l’unique propriétaire de quatre câbles, selon le site spécialisé dans les télécoms Telegeography.com. Facebook est impliqué dans dix projets, Amazon dans cinq et Microsoft dans quatre câbles. En 2012, les géants de la tech possédaient moins de 10% des capacités de transmission des données sous l’eau. Désormais, cette part est de 54%, selon Telegeography.com, qui s’attend à ce que cette proportion atteigne les 90% d’ici quelques années.”

Source : Google, nouveau maître des océans – Le Temps

“That would mean they transferred 700 terabytes in 50,400 seconds, for a final data rate of about 14 gigabytes per second. As Marrone said, if you’re dealing in petabytes of data, the fastest bandwidth you can buy is not the Internet—it’s putting your hard drives on an airplane and flying them to your destination.”

Source : Seeing a black hole with half a ton of hard drives – Six Colors

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