Étiquette : targeted advertising (Page 3 of 7)

Facebook HQ

“In addition to the explicit gender-targeting, Facebook also offers advertisers the ability to use what it calls “Lookalike Targeting,” which allows advertisers to target customers with traits similar to those of their customer base. To understand why this is problematic in the employment context, consider a company with an all-white workforce, which decided to recruit and hire only applicants that “look like” their current workforce. Such a hiring strategy would plainly perpetuate the exclusion of workers of color, violating laws, including Title VII, that prohibit employment practices that have a discriminatory effect”.

Source : How Facebook Is Giving Sex Discrimination in Employment Ads a New Life | American Civil Liberties Union

“We’re making advertising more transparent to help prevent abuse on Facebook, especially during elections. Today we’re starting to roll out the Ad Archive API, so researchers and journalists can more easily analyze Facebook ads related to politics or issues of national importance”.

Source : Introducing the Ad Archive API | Facebook Newsroom

«If I’m not paying for Facebook, am I the product? No. Our product is social media – the ability to connect with the people that matter to you, wherever they are in the world. It’s the same with a free search engine, website or newspaper. The core product is reading the news or finding information – and the ads exist to fund that experience.If you’re not selling advertisers my data, what are you giving them? We sell advertisers space on Facebook – much like TV or radio or newspapers do. We don’t sell your information. When an advertiser runs a campaign on Facebook, we share reports about the performance of their ad campaign. We could, for example, tell an advertiser that more men than women responded to their ad, and that most people clicked on the ad from their phone».

Source : Hard Questions: What Information Do Facebook Advertisers Know About Me? | Facebook Newsroom

«Voters in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin, all states with tight races, were the most targeted. Specifically, voters in Wisconsin were targeted with gun ads about 72 percent more often than the national average. She also found that white voters received 87 percent of all immigration ads. It makes sense that swing states would be more heavily targeted overall leading up to an election. And Kim didn’t analyze the Russians trolls’ targets independently from the other unregulated ads, given the small sample size of 19 groups».

Source : How Russian Facebook Ads Divided and Targeted US Voters Before the 2016 Election | WIRED

«Facebook is bringing « dark posts » into the light in response to the election interference on social media last year, and the new rules will impact all advertisers.On Friday, Facebook revealed a new system of disclosing what groups and companies paid for ads on its platform: Any ads running on Facebook will be readily viewable by anyone.That means no more so-called dark posts, ads that target only a particular set of people but are invisible otherwise because they never appear as posts on a brand or group’s page».

Source : Facebook to Drag Dark Posts Into Light Thanks to Election | Digital – AdAge

«Le capitalisme de surveillance est profondément ancré dans notre société de plus en plus informatisée, et si l’étendue de celle-ci venait à être révélée, il y aurait de larges demandes de réglementations. Mais parce que cette industrie peut fonctionner en grande partie dans le secret et l’opacité, seulement occasionnellement exposée après une violation de données ou un rapport d’enquête, nous demeurons la plupart du temps ignorants de sa portée réelle» – Bruce Schneier, via Hubert Guillaud.

Source : La mauvaise utilisation des données est une caractéristique pas un bug ! | InternetActu

«In an online poll of 5,000 adults conducted by Morning Consult, one in four people in the US said they searched for, or found a job using Facebook. Since introducing job postings on Facebook in the US and Canada last year, we’ve built new features for businesses like the ability to create job posts on mobile, manage applications, and schedule interviews».

Source : Helping People Find Jobs and Local Businesses Hire | Facebook Newsroom

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