Mois : septembre 2012 (Page 3 of 8)

Le réseau social a indiqué dans un communiqué avoir “accepté de suspendre” en Europe son outil de reconnaissance faciale (Tag suggest) et “travailler” avec l’autorité irlandaise pour trouver “la façon appropriée d’obtenir le consentement des utilisateurs pour ce type de technologie selon les règles européennes”.

La députée UMP Laure de la Raudière a publié, mercredi 12 septembre, une proposition de loi pour protéger la neutralité du Net. La proposition vise notamment à contrôler l’appellation “Internet”, qui devrait obligatoirement désigner une offre “neutre”, sans priorisation des flux. Il s’agit également de placer le blocage de sites Internet dans les mains des juges.

« Insight plus hindsight equals foresight. This is the second part of the data explosion; predictive analytics. But it’s not the predictive analytics itself that counts and make this « core; » it’s the outcome of the analytics that counts. So both data storage and predictive analytics can be considered « context, » but then what? What would be the best way to externalize BigData? » (via Big Data ‘as a Service’ – IBM Power in Data)

When AT&T announced that it was going to block FaceTime, Apple’s video chat application, we pointed out that this was a violation of the FCC’s Open Internet rules, and that AT&T’s attempted defenses fell short. We meant it. Today, with our colleagues at Free Press and the New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute, we notified AT&T that, if it doesn’t reverse course, we plan to file a formal complaint with the FCC.

But if there’s anything in the music world that’s exactly the opposite of being a rock star, it’s sitting down for a piano lesson—the image evoked is one of a stuffy old instructor, an endless repetition of scales, and a house that smells like cats. Vance was convinced that there was a better way, something more engaging, more fun, and most of all, more relevant to how people enjoy music today. (via 1 | A Program For Piano Lessons That Won’t Put You To Sleep | Co.Design: business innovation design)

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