Mois : mars 2014 (Page 2 of 13)

« L’accès a été bloqué par l’Autorité turque des télécommunications (TIB) », indique un message aux internautes qui souhaitent accéder à la plateforme. Cette décision fait suite à la publication jeudi sur YouTube de l’enregistrement d’une conversation dans laquelle quatre hauts responsables turcs, dont le ministre des Affaires étrangères Ahmet Davutoglu et le chef des services de renseignement (MIT) Hakan Fidan, évoquent l’hypothèse d’une opération militaire en Syrie.

“I didn’t hear anything that Zuckerberg said that hasn’t been talked about before in the VR community for a very long time,” says Brian Blau, an analyst with research firm Gartner was part of hard-core virtual reality community in the ’80s and ’90s. “It has always been billed as a next-gen communication technology — something that can provide a more immersive and deeper connection to somebody else.” The truth, as Blau points out, is that most VR technology creates a very solitary experience. It’s something you do alone, not with others.

While Google, Motorola, and Samsung seem eager to jump into the wearables market, Apple characteristically keeps its counsel – and wisely so: Smartwatches and other wearables produce more pageviews than profits.

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