Mois : octobre 2021 (Page 2 of 3)

Facebook’s Secret Blacklist of “Dangerous” Groups and People

““Facebook puts users in a near-impossible position by telling them they can’t post about dangerous groups and individuals, but then refusing to publicly identify who it considers dangerous,” said Faiza Patel, co-director of the Brennan Center for Justice’s liberty and national security program, who reviewed the material. The list and associated rules appear to be a clear embodiment of American anxieties, political concerns, and foreign policy values since 9/11, experts said, even though the DIO policy is meant to protect all Facebook users and applies to those who reside outside of the United States (the vast majority). Nearly everyone and everything on the list is considered a foe or threat by America or its allies: Over half of it consists of alleged foreign terrorists, free discussion of which is subject to Facebook’s harshest censorship.”

Source : Facebook’s Secret Blacklist of “Dangerous” Groups and People

Telegram is crawling with antisemitism

“Telegram has been unresponsive to Hope Not Hate’s flagging of extremist antisemitic channels and accounts. Hermansson says that the organisation has reached out to the platform with a list of the worst-offending channels advocating for terror. “And they’re still up there. The ones that have disappeared have disappeared of their own accord,” he says. “Not because of Telegram.” That is dangerous, he says, because the impact of these channels can very easily bleed into the offline world. The British fascist group Patriotic Alternative has established a significant presence on Telegram, while the transnational neo-Nazi outfit AtomWaffen Division, which has been linked to at least 11 murders worldwide, has also managed to expand its reach thanks to the platform. “It’s not just kind of a fluffy ideology we are talking about,” says Hermansson. “It’s actual terror propaganda.””

Source : Telegram is crawling with antisemitism | WIRED UK

We need to talk about how Apple is normalising surveillance

“When it comes to privacy, iOS arguably has a better reputation among consumers than Android, as does Siri vs Alexa, and Safari vs Chrome. But that doesn’t give Apple permission to track our lived experience at all times with its microphones, cameras and sensors. Apple’s groundbreaking devices are pushing the limits of what technology companies can track, and that is not good news for privacy. Thanks to Apple, physical shops can track us through our phones, hackers can potentially access our most sensitive health and biometric details, and now it has developed a technology that can scan content that was supposed to be encrypted. Apple has been playing two games at once – protecting privacy and developing surveillance tools – while only acknowledging the former.”

Source : We need to talk about how Apple is normalising surveillance | WIRED UK

L’histoire de l’entreprise taïwanaise TSMC est celle de la mondialisation… et de ses limites

Devant l’usine Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) à Tainan, Taiwan, le 18 septembre 2020.

“Les tensions s’accumulent et devraient pousser les entreprises occidentales à vouloir augmenter leurs capacités de production pour réduire les risques d’approvisionnement. » Les tensions s’accumulent d’autant plus que Pékin a été placé dans une situation intenable par Washington. En interdisant à TSMC de vendre ses puces dernier cri au champion chinois du téléphone, Huawei, l’administration américaine a donné un coup d’arrêt à toute la chaîne de l’électronique chinoise, fer de lance de sa conquête mondiale. Privé de ces puces pour ses smartphones, Huawei a été éjecté violemment de cet immense marché. Car les producteurs locaux sont encore très loin en matière de technologie.La Chine importe aujourd’hui pour plus de 370 milliards de dollars de puces par an, davantage que de pétrole !”

Source : L’histoire de l’entreprise taïwanaise TSMC est celle de la mondialisation… et de ses limites

Textes adoptés – L’intelligence artificielle en droit pénal et son utilisation par les autorités policières et judiciaires dans les affaires pénales – Mercredi 6 octobre 2021

“32. soutient les recommandations du groupe d’experts de haut niveau de la Commission sur l’IA en faveur d’une interdiction de la notation à grande échelle des individus au moyen de l’IA; considère que toute forme de notation normative des citoyens à grande échelle par les autorités publiques, en particulier dans les domaines répressif et judiciaire, entraîne une perte d’autonomie, menace le principe de non-discrimination et ne peut être considérée comme conforme aux droits fondamentaux, en particulier à la dignité humaine, tels qu’énoncés dans le droit de l’Union;”

Source : Textes adoptés – L’intelligence artificielle en droit pénal et son utilisation par les autorités policières et judiciaires dans les affaires pénales – Mercredi 6 octobre 2021

The Facebook Files – WSJ

The Facebook Files

Facebook knows, in acute detail, that its platforms are riddled with flaws that cause harm, often in ways only the company fully understands. That is the central finding of a Wall Street Journal series, based on a review of internal Facebook documents, including research reports, online employee discussions and drafts of presentations to senior management.
Time and again, the documents show, Facebook’s researchers have identified the platform’s ill effects. Time and again, despite congressional hearings, its own pledges and numerous media exposés, the company didn’t fix them. The documents offer perhaps the clearest picture thus far of how broadly Facebook’s problems are known inside the company, up to the chief executive himself.

  1. Facebook Says Its Rules Apply to All. Company Documents Reveal a Secret Elite That’s Exempt
  2. Facebook Knows Instagram Is Toxic for Many Teen Girls, Company Documents Show
  3. Facebook Tried to Make Its Platform a Healthier Place. It Got Angrier Instead.
  4. Facebook Employees Flag Drug Cartels and Human Traffickers. The Company’s Response Is Weak, Documents Show.
  5. How Facebook Hobbled Mark Zuckerberg’s Bid to Get America Vaccinated
  6. Facebook’s Effort to Attract Preteens Goes Beyond Instagram Kids, Documents Show
  7. Facebook’s Documents About Instagram and Teens, Published
  8. Is Sheryl Sandberg’s Power Shrinking? Ten Years of Facebook Data Offers Clues
  9. The Facebook Whistleblower, Frances Haugen, Says She Wants to Fix the Company, Not Harm It

Source : The Facebook Files – WSJ

Algorithms shouldn’t be protected by Section 230, Facebook whistleblower tells Senate | Ars Technica

Former Facebook employee Frances Haugen testifies during a Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation hearing on October 5, 2021. Haugen left Facebook in May and provided internal company documents about Facebook to journalists and others, alleging that Facebook consistently chooses profit over safety.

“Haugen made sure to distinguish between user-generated content and Facebook’s algorithms, which prioritize the content in news feeds and drive engagement. She suggested that Facebook should not be responsible for content that users post on its platforms but that it should be held liable once its algorithms begin making decisions about which content people see.
“They want you to believe that you must choose between a Facebook full of divisive and extreme content or losing one of the most important values our country was founded upon: free speech,” she added. “That you must choose between public oversight of Facebook’s choices and your personal privacy. That to be able to share fun photos of your kids with old friends, you must also be inundated with anger-driven virality. They want you to believe that this is just part of the deal.
“I am here today to tell you that’s not true. These problems are solvable. A safer, free-speech-respecting, more enjoyable social media is possible.”

Source : Algorithms shouldn’t be protected by Section 230, Facebook whistleblower tells Senate | Ars Technica

A catastrophe at Twitch – by Casey Newton – Platformer

“’We’re currently investigating the issue and will have more to share as we have additional detail,’ the company told me. But according to the former engineers I spoke with, Twitch had a notoriously lax approach to internal security that, in the view of some, made an incident like today’s more likely. Among the issues they identified:

  • The company did not develop an effective model to counter internal threats — that is, employees who might seek to steal data or cause other problems.
  • Every engineer could clone every code repository, making it possible for someone to essentially copy and paste the entire code base.
  • Despite being owned by Amazon since 2014, Twitch still has its own information security practices, which are generally weaker.

‘No other company has this level of facepalm,’ one engineer told me.”

Source : A catastrophe at Twitch – by Casey Newton – Platformer

Fuite de Twitch : seulement 3 femmes sur les 100 streameurs les mieux payés au monde

“Les trois seules femmes qui figurent dans le top 100 des plus gros revenus de Twitch, entre septembre 2019 et octobre 2021, sont : Pokimane, à la 34e place, une streameuse de jeux vidéo, Amouranth, à la 48e place, qui fait des séances d’ASMR et des stream jacuzzi, et Sintica, à la 71e place, une DJ dont les lives sont focalisés sur la musique.
Pour quiconque suit de près ou de loin l’actualité de Twitch, cette nouvelle ne sera pas très étonnante : le sexisme et les commentaires misogynes sont très courants sur Twitch. Le harcèlement est également un fléau qui touche quasiment toutes les femmes streameuses, et le phénomène est encore plus exacerbé lors qu’elles sont spécialisées dans les jeux vidéo.”

Source : Fuite de Twitch : seulement 3 femmes sur les 100 streameurs les mieux payés au monde

Digital Addictions Are Drowning Us in Dopamine

“Our brains evolved this fine-tuned balance over millions of years in which pleasures were scarce and dangers ever-present. The problem today is that we no longer live in that world. Instead, we now live in a world of overwhelming abundance. The quantity, variety and potency of highly reinforcing drugs and behaviors has never been greater. In addition to addictive substances like sugar and opioids, there is also a whole new class of electronic addictions that didn’t exist until about 20 years ago: texting, tweeting, surfing the web, online shopping and gambling.”

Source : Digital Addictions Are Drowning Us in Dopamine – WSJ

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