Étiquette : artificial intelligence (Page 1 of 20)

Del Complex – BlueSea Frontier Compute Cluster


“The rapid pace of artificial intelligence has led to hastily drafted government regulation. Foreseeing this inevitability, Del Complex has engineered a solution ready to set sail. The BlueSea Frontier Compute Cluster (BSFCC)—a groundbreaking venture in international waters, melding cutting-edge technology with unparalleled autonomy.
– Over 10,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs per platform providing unparalleled compute and industry leading performance.
– Not just a compute cluster, each BSFCC is a sovereign nation state for innovation and acceleration.
– Kinetic risk mitigation with dedicated security forces.”

Source : Del Complex

AI Act : l’Union européenne pionnière dans la régulation de l’intelligence artificielle


“Côté français, où on espérait une législation plus souple, la réaction a été plus contrastée. « Nous allons analyser attentivement le compromis trouvé aujourd’hui et nous assurer dans les prochaines semaines que le texte préserve la capacité de l’Europe à développer ses propres technologies d’intelligence artificielle et préserve son autonomie stratégique », a commenté le ministre délégué au numérique, Jean-Noël Barrot […].
Toute la difficulté de la négociation résidait dans ce difficile équilibre à trouver entre innovation et régulation. Autrement dit entre la capacité à faire émerger des champions nationaux (Mistral AI, LightOn ou Hugging Face en France, Aleph Alpha en Allemagne) et le devoir d’encadrer ces nouvelles technologies dans des domaines sensibles.”

Source : AI Act : l’Union européenne pionnière dans la régulation de l’intelligence artificielle

La start-up française Mistral AI a levé 385 millions d’euros


“Son principal atout est d’avoir été cofondée par trois experts français de l’IA, formés à l’Ecole polytechnique et à l’Ecole normale supérieure, embauchés par les géants américains mais revenus à Paris. Le PDG, Arthur Mensch, 31 ans, polytechnicien et normalien, a passé près de trois ans chez DeepMind, le laboratoire d’IA de Google. Ses associés viennent de Meta (Facebook) : Guillaume Lample est l’un des créateurs du modèle de langage LLama, dévoilé par Meta en février, et Timothée Lacroix était lui aussi chercheur chez Meta.”

Source : La start-up française Mistral AI a levé 385 millions d’euros

The Clueless


“The Clueless is an AI modeling agency that carefully curates thoughtful, long-lasting models that beautifully represent diverse personalities, taking the virtual world by storm with their authentic charm and lasting impact.”

Source : Home – The Clueless

E.U. reaches deal on AI Act, landmark artificial intelligence bill

“The legislation ultimately included restrictions for foundation models but gave broad exemptions to “open-source models,” which are developed using code that’s freely available for developers to alter for their own products and tools. The move could benefit open-source AI companies in Europe that lobbied against the law, including France’s Mistral and Germany’s Aleph Alpha, as well as Meta, which released the open-source model LLaMA.”

Source : E.U. reaches deal on AI Act, landmark artificial intelligence bill – The Washington Post

Gemini: All you need to know in 90 seconds

“In this short video, hear from Google leaders and AI experts as they introduce you to Gemini — Google’s largest and most capable AI model. It’s built from the ground up to be multimodal — meaning that it’s trained to recognize, understand and combine different types of information, including text, images, audio, video and code. And it’s optimized in three different sizes: Ultra, Pro and Nano. Welcome to the Gemini era.”

via Google

Google Preps Public Preview of Gemini AI After Postponing In-Person Launch Events


“After Google quietly scrapped a set of in-person events to launch Gemini, its biggest artificial intelligence initiative in a decade, the company has planned a virtual preview of the new AI as soon as this week, said a person with knowledge of the situation. By giving journalists and software developers a first look at some of the technology’s capabilities, Google could relieve some pressure from investors to prove it can catch up to ChatGPT creator OpenAI. Google representatives for weeks have been giving private demonstrations of the technology to business partners but they have said that cloud customers wouldn’t get access to the primary version of Gemini until next year.”

Source : Google Preps Public Preview of Gemini AI After Postponing In-Person Launch Events — The Information

CO2 Inference – a Hugging Face Space by sasha

Task-by-task comparison

We ran a series of experiments to measure the energy efficiency and carbon emissions of different models from the HuggingFace Hub, and to see how different tasks and models compare. We found that multi-purpose, generative models are orders of magnitude more energy-intensive than task-specific systems for a variety of tasks, even for models with a similar number of parameters

Source : CO2 Inference – a Hugging Face Space by sasha

Millions of new materials discovered with deep learning – Google DeepMind


“To build a more sustainable future, we need new materials. GNoME has discovered 380,000 stable crystals that hold the potential to develop greener technologies – from better batteries for electric cars, to superconductors for more efficient computing.Our research – and that of collaborators at the Berkeley Lab, Google Research, and teams around the world — shows the potential to use AI to guide materials discovery, experimentation, and synthesis. We hope that GNoME together with other AI tools can help revolutionize materials discovery today and shape the future of the field.”

Source : Millions of new materials discovered with deep learning – Google DeepMind

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