Étiquette : communication (Page 2 of 16)

“Augmented reality allows us to spend more time focusing on what matters in the real world, in our real lives. It can break down communication barriers — and help us better understand each other by making language visible. Watch what happens when we bring technologies like transcription and translation to your line of sight.”

via Google – YouTube

Twitter is testing emoji reactions for tweets

“Emoji reactions have been available for years on other services like Facebook, as well as on Twitter itself within direct messages. But what’s interesting about Twitter’s emoji choices for its latest test is that none of them are especially negative. There’s no “Angry face” like you’ll find on Facebook, or “Thumbs down” like in Twitter’s direct message emoji reactions.Twitter explains that it decided against choosing these negative emoji because people it surveyed said “they were concerned about receiving negative reactions to some of their thoughts.” A valid concern given how toxic many conversations on Twitter can be.”

Source : Twitter is testing emoji reactions for tweets – The Verge

Reverse engineering generative models from a single deepfake image

“Deepfakes have become more believable in recent years. In some cases, humans can no longer easily tell some of them apart from genuine images. Although detecting deepfakes remains a compelling challenge, their increasing sophistication opens up more potential lines of inquiry, such as: What happens when deepfakes are produced not just for amusement and awe, but for malicious intent on a grand scale? Today, we — in partnership with Michigan State University (MSU) — are presenting a research method of detecting and attributing deepfakes that relies on reverse engineering from a single AI-generated image to the generative model used to produce it. Our method will facilitate deepfake detection and tracing in real-world settings, where the deepfake image itself is often the only information detectors have to work with.”

Source : Reverse engineering generative models from a single deepfake image

LaMDA: our breakthrough conversation technology

An animation demonstrating how language is processed by LaMDA technology.

“These early results are encouraging, and we look forward to sharing more soon, but sensibleness and specificity aren’t the only qualities we’re looking for in models like LaMDA. We’re also exploring dimensions like “interestingness,” by assessing whether responses are insightful, unexpected or witty. Being Google, we also care a lot about factuality (that is, whether LaMDA sticks to facts, something language models often struggle with), and are investigating ways to ensure LaMDA’s responses aren’t just compelling but correct. But the most important question we ask ourselves when it comes to our technologies is whether they adhere to our AI Principles. Language might be one of humanity’s greatest tools, but like all tools it can be misused. Models trained on language can propagate that misuse — for instance, by internalizing biases, mirroring hateful speech, or replicating misleading information. And even when the language it’s trained on is carefully vetted, the model itself can still be put to ill use.  ”

Source : LaMDA: our breakthrough conversation technology

Le 21 juillet 2020, l’entrée du Conseil constitutionnel, à Paris.

“Surtout, le Conseil constitutionnel a jugé « contraires à la Constitution » le très controversé article 24, devenu l’article 52, qui vise à protéger les forces de l’ordre en opération en pénalisant la diffusion malveillante de leur image. Largement soutenu par les syndicats de police, cet article punit la « provocation à l’identification » des forces de l’ordre, un nouveau chef d’accusation qui avait fait réagir les défenseurs des libertés publiques, parmi lesquels les organisations de journalistes.”

Source : Loi « sécurité globale » : le Conseil constitutionnel censure l’article 24

Radio Garden – Radio everywhere !

Radio Garden

« Radio Garden invites you to tune into thousands of live radio stations across the globe. By bringing distant voices close, radio connects people and places. From its very beginning, radio signals have crossed borders. Radio makers and listeners have imagined both connecting with distant cultures, as well as re-connecting with people from ‘home’ from thousands of miles away. »

What puzzles and poker teach us about misinformation | Financial Times

“My advice is simply to take note of your emotional reaction to each headline, sound bite or statistical claim. Is it joy, rage, triumph? Fine. But having noticed it, keep thinking. You may find clarity emerges once your emotions have been acknowledged. So what do puzzles, poker, and misinformation have in common? Some puzzles — and some poker hands — require enormous intellectual resources to navigate, and the same is true of certain subtle statistical fallacies. But much of the time we fool ourselves in simple ways and for simple reasons. Slow down, calm down, and the battle for truth is already half won.”

Source : What puzzles and poker teach us about misinformation | Financial Times

“L’article 24 de la proposition de loi dite « sécurité globale » a été critiqué de toutes parts : journalistes, Défenseure des droits, ONU… Pourtant, le gouvernement maintient son importance. Sans être capable de fournir d’exemples spécifiques dans lesquels cet article serait utile, sans être néfaste pour les libertés individuelles. Pendant des heures à l’Assemblée nationale, les députées ont attendu une réponse claire à leur question. Qu’apporte l’article 24 de la proposition de loi dite « sécurité globale » à l’arsenal législatif qui existe déjà ? Malgré les nombreuses opportunités et prises de parole, aucun représentant du gouvernement ni le rapporteur de cette proposition de loi, Jean-Michel Fauvergue, n’ont su y répondre.”

Source : Article 24 : pourquoi aucun exemple fourni par Gérald Darmanin n’est convaincant

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