Étiquette : tesla (Page 1 of 2)

Tesla Employees Reportedly Passed Around Images Of Crashes, Road Rage And Owners’ Kids Taken By Car Cameras


“Between 2019 and 2022, recordings of Tesla owners were privately shared via the company’s internal messaging system, catching customers naked, showing their kids and sometimes revealing their locations, nine ex-employees told Reuters. Some of the images were reportedly turned into memes featuring customers’ dogs and funny road signs, while others depicted car crashes and road-rage incidents, including one video of a Tesla crashing into a child riding a bike—but many were distributed to scores of employees.”

Source : Tesla Employees Reportedly Passed Around Images Of Crashes, Road Rage And Owners’ Kids Taken By Car Cameras

La compagnie G7 met à l’arrêt ses taxis électriques Model 3 de Tesla après un accident mortel survenu samedi à Paris

Le constructeur automobile Tesla n’a pas souhaité faire de commentaire au sujet de cet accident.

“Après un grave accident survenu samedi, à Paris, d’un taxi électrique Tesla Model 3 – une des voitures électriques les plus vendues en Europe – qui n’était pas en service, la compagnie de taxis parisiens G7 a mis à l’arrêt, mardi 14 septembre, les quelques voitures du même modèle de sa flotte, le temps de la conclusion de l’enquête. Cette décision a été prise par précaution, les raisons de l’accident n’étant pas encore connues.”

Source : La compagnie G7 met à l’arrêt ses taxis électriques Model 3 de Tesla après un accident mortel survenu samedi à Paris

Tesla is working on driver ‘safety rating’ based on driving behaviors and Autopilot use to affect insurance cost

“Here are the factors that Tesla will be tracking to determine your safety rating:

  1. ABS Activation – Number of times ABS is activated Hours Driven – Average daily driving time Forced Autopilot
  2. Disengagements – Number of times Autopilot is disabled due to ignored alerts Forward Collision
  3. Warnings – Number of times car detects a potential forward collision
  4. Unsafe Following Time – Portion of time spent at an unsafe following distance
  5. Intensity of Acceleration and Braking – Speed variance due to extreme acceleration and braking. Shown on a scale from 0-10 as measured against Tesla’s internal fleet.

This score is going to affect your premium by up to 50% on a monthly basis – meaning that it can increase or lower your insurance cost depending on how you drive.”

Source : Tesla is working on driver ‘safety rating’ based on driving behaviors and Autopilot use to affect insurance cost – Electrek

Your Smartphone’s Location Data Is Worth Big Money to Wall Street


“When Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk said the car maker would work around the clock to boost production of its Model 3 sedan, the number crunchers at Thasos Group decided to watch. They circled Tesla’s 370 acres in Fremont, Calif., on an online map, creating a digital corral to isolate smartphone location signals that emanated from within it. Thasos, which leases databases of trillions of geographic coordinates collected by smartphone apps, set its computers to find the pings created at Tesla’s factory, then shared the data with its hedge-fund clients, showing the overnight shift swelled 30% from June to October. Last week, many on Wall Street were surprised when Tesla disclosed a rare quarterly profit, the result of Model 3 production that had nearly doubled in three months. Shares shot up 9.1% the next day.”

Source : Your Smartphone’s Location Data Is Worth Big Money to Wall Street – WSJ

“Starlink is SpaceX’s proposed constellation of thousands of satellites, which are designed to orbit at low altitudes above the Earth and beam internet coverage to the surface below. SpaceX has so far secured licensing from the Federal Communications Commission to launch nearly 12,000 satellites into orbit. And just last week, the company submitted another request to an international regulator, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), asking for radio frequencies to communicate with an additional 30,000 Starlink satellites. That means the company wants the ability to launch an estimated 42,000 satellites into orbit.”

Source : SpaceX aims to provide internet coverage with Starlink constellation as soon as mid-2020 – The Verge

“Elon Musk reached a deal with the S.E.C. on Saturday night to resolve securities fraud charges tied to his bid to take Tesla private. The deal requires him to step aside as the automaker’s chairman for three years — though he can remain C.E.O. — and pay a $20 million fine. Tesla must also name two independent directors and monitor Mr. Musk’s communications with investors.”

Source : DealBook Briefing: The S.E.C. Can’t Change Elon Musk – The New York Times

“Tesla withdrew from the party agreement with the NTSB because it requires that we not release information about Autopilot to the public, a requirement which we believe fundamentally affects public safety negatively. We believe in transparency, so an agreement that prevents public release of information for over a year is unacceptable. Even though we won’t be a formal party, we will continue to provide technical assistance to the NTSB.”

Source : Tesla booted from investigation into fatal Autopilot crash – The Verge

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