Étiquette : instagram (Page 2 of 3)

“We know that as a parent it may be hard to understand the changing digital landscape and what your kids are doing online. That’s why we’ve created this resource. We’re here to fill you in on what Instagram is all about, give you some conversation starters for you and your teen, and show you some of the tools that are in place to keep your teen safe. You can also download a copy of our Parent’s Guide”.

Source : Instagram Well-Being

“Potentiel d’instagrammabilité maximal si Loulou arrive à gérer les prises de vue. Premier obstacle sur l’autoroute du kif : le staff de l’hôtel est genre super hostile. Mais genre, vraiment. Malgré le mail envoyé lors de la résa, le directeur nous a demandés direct de régler nos deux nuits et nos consommations. Le mec a clairement pas capito qu’on allait lui faire gravir les échelons de la hype en deux-deux. Ce relou a même insinué que mes 4 000 abonnés Instagram ne paieraient ni le personnel ni mes patatas bravas. J’étais clairement pas prête pour toute cette rancitude. Le dialogue du seum a continué avec le ­concierge. Un délire. Le mec était infoutu de nous indiquer les spots les plus photogéniques de la ville. Il a causé vieilles pierres avec Cariño pendant genre vingt minutes. Sérieusement, ils ont vraiment cru que mon boule de goddess et moi-même étions en Andalousie pour ­visiter des églises ? Ai demandé à Cariño de faire fissa un listing des hashtags les plus référencés sur Séville. #jpp”

Source : Le journal d’une Instagrammeuse

“Three main factors determine what you see in your Instagram feed:

  • Interest: How much Instagram predicts you’ll care about a post, with higher ranking for what matters to you, determined by past behavior on similar content and potentially machine vision analyzing the actual content of the post.
  • Recency: How recently the post was shared, with prioritization for timely posts over weeks-old ones.
  • Relationship: How close you are to the person who shared it, with higher ranking for people you’ve interacted with a lot in the past on Instagram, such as by commenting on their posts or being tagged together in photos.

Beyond those core factors, three additional signals that influence rankings are:

  • Frequency: How often you open Instagram, as it will try to show you the best posts since your last visit.
  • Following: If you follow a lot of people, Instagram will be picking from a wider breadth of authors so you might see less of any specific person.
  • Usage: How long you spend on Instagram determines if you’re just seeing the best posts during short sessions, or it’s digging deeper into its catalog if you spend more total time browsing”.

Source : How Instagram’s algorithm works | TechCrunch

«Today, we collectively and continuously document our city experience on social media platforms, shaping a virtual city image. Multiplicity reveals a novel view of this photographic landscape of attention and interests. How does Paris look as seen through the lens of thousands of photographers? What are the hotspots of attraction, what are the neglected corners? What are recurring poses and tropes? And how well do the published pictures reflect your personal view of the city?» – Via Nicolas Nova

Source : Truth & Beauty – Multiplicity

«We need to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while, because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever. And that’s going to get you to contribute more content, and that’s going to get you … more likes and comments.
It’s a social-validation feedback loop … exactly the kind of thing that a hacker like myself would come up with, because you’re exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology.
The inventors, creators — it’s me, it’s Mark [Zuckerberg], it’s Kevin Systrom on Instagram, it’s all of these people — understood this consciously. And we did it anyway.»

Source : Sean Parker unloads on Facebook « exploiting » human weakness

« A lot of Instagram’s most popular users are paid to promote advertisers’ products. A lot of those same users don’t actually disclose that they’re promoting an advertisers’s products. So Instagram is asking these users, many of them celebrities or media organizations, to include a “paid partnership” label on posts that they’re being compensated to share ».

Source : Instagram wants influencers to clearly label their paid posts – Recode

« As the name suggests, « Find Friends » lets consumers quickly discover if any of their contacts are using the app too. But according to the users in the case, the app makers violated their privacy by failing to inform them that « Find Friends » would transfer user’s contact lists to company servers.The companies have fought the lawsuit for years, complaining in part that storing users’ contact lists on the server was necessary for the « Find Friends » tool to function. But U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar pushed back, saying the firms should have been more explicit about what they were doing ».

Source : Instagram, Twitter Could Pay Users $5.3 Million in Privacy Settlement | Fortune.com

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