Étiquette : surveillance (Page 3 of 18)

« The facial recognition company Clearview AI is telling investors it is on track to have 100 billion facial photos in its database within a year, enough to ensure “almost everyone in the world will be identifiable,” according to a financial presentation from December obtained by The Washington Post.

And the company wants to expand beyond scanning faces for the police, saying in the presentation that it could monitor “gig economy” workers and is researching a number of new technologies that could identify someone based on how they walk, detect their location from a photo or scan their fingerprints from afar ».

Source : Clearview AI predicts 100 billion photos will give it worldwide facial recognition ability – The Washington Post

We need to talk about how Apple is normalising surveillance

“When it comes to privacy, iOS arguably has a better reputation among consumers than Android, as does Siri vs Alexa, and Safari vs Chrome. But that doesn’t give Apple permission to track our lived experience at all times with its microphones, cameras and sensors. Apple’s groundbreaking devices are pushing the limits of what technology companies can track, and that is not good news for privacy. Thanks to Apple, physical shops can track us through our phones, hackers can potentially access our most sensitive health and biometric details, and now it has developed a technology that can scan content that was supposed to be encrypted. Apple has been playing two games at once – protecting privacy and developing surveillance tools – while only acknowledging the former.”

Source : We need to talk about how Apple is normalising surveillance | WIRED UK

Delays Aren’t Good Enough—Apple Must Abandon Its Surveillance Plans | Electronic Frontier Foundation

apple with an eye in the center

“The features Apple announced a month ago, intending to help protect children, would create an infrastructure that is all too easy to redirect to greater surveillance and censorship. These features would create an enormous danger to iPhone users’ privacy and security, offering authoritarian governments a new mass surveillance system to spy on citizens. They also put already vulnerable kids at risk, especially LGBTQ youth, and create serious potential for danger to children in abusive households. The responses to Apple’s plans have been damning: over 90 organizations across the globe have urged the company not to implement them, for fear that they would lead to the censoring of protected speech, threaten the privacy and security of people around the world, and have disastrous consequences for many children.”

Source : Delays Aren’t Good Enough—Apple Must Abandon Its Surveillance Plans | Electronic Frontier Foundation

A Smart Lamp That Watches Kids When They Study Is a Hit in China

“The lamps come equipped with two built-in cameras—one facing the child and another offering a bird’s-eye view from above—letting parents remotely monitor their children when they study. There is a smartphone-sized screen attached to each lamp, which applies artificial intelligence to offer guidance on math problems and difficult words. And parents can hire a human proctor to digitally monitor their children as they study.In addition to the basic version of the lamp, a $170 upgraded model sends alerts and photos to parents when their children slouch. That version of the lamp sold out on China’s largest e-commerce platforms earlier this month.”

Source : A Smart Lamp That Watches Kids When They Study Is a Hit in China – WSJ

Facebook Isn’t Listening Through Your Phone’s Microphone. It Doesn’t Have To


“The harsh truth is that Facebook doesn’t need to perform technical miracles to target you via weak signals. It’s got much better ways to do so already. Not every spookily accurate ad you see is a pure figment of your cognitive biases. Remember, Facebook can find you on whatever device you’ve ever checked Facebook on. It can exploit everything that retailers know about you, and even sometimes track your in-store, cash-only purchases; that loyalty discount card is tied to a phone number or email for a reason. Before you stoke your Facebook rage too much, know that Twitter and LinkedIn do this as well, and that Facebook copied the concept of ‘data onboarding’ from the greater ad tech world, which in turn drafted off of decades of direct-mail consumer marketing. It’s hard to escape the modern Advertising Industrial Complex.”

Source : Facebook Isn’t Listening Through Your Phone’s Microphone. It Doesn’t Have To | WIRED


“Ce mode opératoire a de quoi donner des sueurs froides aux autorités américaines et au-delà : l’entreprise revendique plusieurs dizaines de milliers de clients, à la fois dans les administrations et dans les entreprises. La liste des victimes connues pourrait donc nettement s’allonger dans les prochains jours, et pas seulement aux Etats-Unis.
Selon FireEye, l’attaque est d’ailleurs encore en cours. « Cela pourrait se révéler être l’une des campagnes d’espionnage les plus importantes de l’histoire », a pronostiqué auprès de l’agence Associated Press Dmitri Alperovitch, expert en cybersécurité et fondateur de l’entreprise CrowdStrike, spécialisée dans la traque des pirates informatiques de haut niveau.
Dans un communiqué, Orion a reconnu l’existence de « vulnérabilités », conséquences d’une attaque « ciblée et hautement sophistiquée », selon les mots de son PDG, Kevin Thompson. L’entreprise dit travailler actuellement avec le FBI et les services de renseignement pour comprendre le déroulé précis des faits.”

Source : Etats-Unis : des pirates ont réussi à infiltrer les départements du Trésor et du commerce


“The Secret Service paid for a product that gives the agency access to location data generated by ordinary apps installed on peoples’ smartphones, an internal Secret Service document confirms. The sale highlights the issue of law enforcement agencies buying information, and in particular location data, that they would ordinarily need a warrant or court order to obtain. This contract relates to the sale of Locate X, a product from a company called Babel Street.”

Source : Secret Service Bought Phone Location Data from Apps, Contract Confirms

Vaguely menacing camera atop an outdoor metal post.

“Privacy advocates in the UK are claiming victory as an appeals court ruled today that police use of facial recognition technology in that country has « fundamental deficiencies » and violates several laws.South Wales Police began using automated facial recognition technology on a trial basis in 2017, deploying a system called AFR Locate overtly at several dozen major events such as soccer matches. Police matched the scans against watchlists of known individuals to identify persons who were wanted by the police, had open warrants against them, or were in some other way persons of interest.”

Source : Police use of facial recognition violates human rights, UK court rules | Ars Technica

Atlas of Surveillance

“Law enforcement surveillance isn’t always secret. These technologies can be discovered in news articles and government meeting agendas, in company press releases and social media posts. It just hasn’t been aggregated before.That’s the starting point for the Atlas of Surveillance, a collaborative effort between the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the University of Nevada, Reno Reynolds School of Journalism. Through a combination of crowdsourcing and data journalism, we are creating the largest-ever repository of information on which law enforcement agencies are using what surveillance technologies. The aim is to generate a resource for journalists, academics, and, most importantly, members of the public to check what’s been purchased locally and how technologies are spreading across the country.”

Source : Atlas of Surveillance

“En 1997, Henri M. a été nommé représentant officiel de la DGSE à Pékin, où il a occupé le poste de deuxième secrétaire à l’ambassade. Mais il a été rappelé en France dès le début de l’année 1998, après avoir entamé une liaison avec l’interprète chinoise de l’ambassadeur. Il a pris sa retraite quelques années plus tard et est retourné en Chine en 2003, où il a épousé l’ex-interprète, avec laquelle il s’est installé sur l’île de Hainan, dans le sud de la Chine. Pourquoi ont-ils été interpellés si tard ? Il y aurait eu, selon un bon connaisseur du dossier, une faille au sein de la DGSE et Henri M. n’aurait pas été surveillé pendant des années après son départ à la retraite.”

Source : Soupçonnés de trahison au profit de la Chine, deux ex-agents de la DGSE face à la justice

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