Mois : novembre 2018 (Page 4 of 4)

Siblings, ages four and one, and their tablet

“In apps marketed for children 5 and under in the Google Play store, there were pop-up ads with disturbing imagery. There were ads that no child could reasonably be expected to close out of, and which, when triggered, would send a player into more ads. Dancing treasure chests would give young players points for watching video ads, potentially endlessly. The vast majority of ads were not marked at all. Characters in children’s games gently pressured the kids to make purchases, a practice known as host-selling, banned in children’s TV programs in 1974 by the Federal Trade Commission. At other times an onscreen character would cry if the child did not buy something. “The first word that comes to mind is furious,” said Dr. Radesky, an assistant professor of developmental behavioral pediatrics at the University of Michigan Medical School.”

Source : Your Kid’s Apps Are Crammed With Ads – The New York Times

Waymo California

“Waymo’s permit includes day and night testing on city streets, rural roads, and highways with posted speed limits of up to 65 mph. “Our vehicles can safely handle fog and light rain, and testing in those conditions is included in our permit,” the company says. “We will gradually begin driverless testing on city streets in a limited territory and, over time, expand the area that we drive in as we gain confidence and experience to expand.” Waymo won’t offer rides to the public right off the bat; the company is close to launching its first commercial taxi service using its fleet of autonomous minivans in Phoenix, Arizona. ”

Source : Waymo gets the green light to test fully driverless cars in California – The Verge

Lemaire GAFA

“Voilà qui pourrait mettre une épine dans le pied du ministre de l’économie et des finances, Bruno Le Maire, qui multiplie les efforts pour convaincre l’Europe d’adopter une taxe européenne sur les GAFA, l’acronyme qui désigne Google, Amazon, Facebook et Apple. Seize dirigeants de grandes entreprises européennes du numérique ont adressé mardi 30 octobre une lettre aux ministres européens des finances demandant « de ne pas adopter de mesure qui causerait un dommage matériel à la croissance économique, à l’innovation et à l’emploi en Europe ». Lire aussi :   Comment la France tente de sauver la taxe numérique européenne Parmi eux figurent Daniel Ek, le patron de Spotify, Kati Levoranta, la patronne du créateur de jeux vidéo finlandais Rovio, Robert Gentz, le cofondateur du site d’e-commerce Zalando, ou Gillian Tans, qui dirige le site de réservations touristiques”

Source : La tech européenne proteste contre le projet de taxe numérique visant les GAFA

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