Attorneys, prosecutors, judges, and juries, who overestimate the precision of cell-phone location records…
Mois : juin 2014 (Page 1 of 4)
At some point, it may best to give up the game and leave the phone at home—or in the nearest fridge.
(via Withings Activité)
There are early signs that the ruling in Europe is rippling elsewhere. Hong Kong’s top privacy regulator, Allen Chiang Yam-wang, said in a blog post published Thursday that he expects cases similar to the one in Europe will soon be heard in Canada and Japan and suggested that Google should apply the ruling in Europe globally.
Placer l’algorithme au cœur de son modèle conduit à s’interroger sur la place que l’on peut accorder aux modalités d’intervention publique comme garant de la diversité et du pluralisme des opinions, reposant sur le principe de l’exception culturelle, dans un régime bottom up.
« We want everyone to experience virtual reality in a simple, fun, and inexpensive way. That’s the goal of the Cardboard project. » (via Cardboard)
Herrera tells Monkey Parking to drop mobile app for auctioning city parking spots.
Today, researchers from Kaspersky and Citizen Lab published research on a new type of malware designed to give police complete access to a suspect’s phone. The tool, dubbed Remote Control System (or RCS), can be implanted physically through a USB or SD card, or remotely through an infected link or network traffic injection.
« Abroad, Google Maps has waded into raw, tender issues of national identity ». (via Disputed Territories | Knight-Mozilla-MIT “The Open Internet” Hack Day)
The consumer is the customer, not advertisers or enterprises.