Étiquette : alphabet (Page 3 of 4)

AlphaGo Zero: Learning from scratch

«The paper introduces AlphaGo Zero, the latest evolution of AlphaGo, the first computer program to defeat a world champion at the ancient Chinese game of Go. Zero is even more powerful and is arguably the strongest Go player in history. Previous versions of AlphaGo initially trained on thousands of human amateur and professional games to learn how to play Go. AlphaGo Zero skips this step and learns to play simply by playing games against itself, starting from completely random play».

Source : AlphaGo Zero: Learning from scratch | DeepMind

Gu Li, as quoted by Hassabis, was a lot more philosophical about his loss to the new version of AlphaGo: « Together, humans and AI will soon uncover the deeper mysteries of Go. » Gu Li is referring to the fact that AlphaGo plays Go quite differently from humans, placing stones that completely confound human players at first—but upon further analysis these strategies become a « divine move. » While there’s almost no chance that a human will ever beat AlphaGo again, human players can still learn a lot about the game itself by watching the AI play.

Source : That mystery Go player crushing the world’s best online? It was AlphaGo again | Ars Technica

Since so many people are already using Waze to get to work, why not help a fellow commuter heading in the same direction? That’s what Waze Carpool is all about.

Source : Waze Carpool

Sidewalk Labs is a new type of company that works with cities to build products addressing big urban problems.

Source : Sidewalk Labs

La structure éclatée d’Alphabet cherche à détourner l’attention des régulateurs de la grandissante interdépendance des différentes entités qui la composent.Et comme la gigantesque réserve de données de Google est devenue l’arme secrète de Google pour se protéger des menaces d’éventuels concurrents, il est bien plus efficace de pouvoir affirmer que cette arme n’existe pas, et que n’importe quelle nouvelle start-up peut concurrencer ses services à condition d’avoir des algorithmes suffisamment malins. Apparemment, Google pense que devenir un conglomérat lui permettra de cacher plus facilement la véritable source de ses pratiques anticoncurrentielles.

Source : Evgeny Morozov : « L’étreinte de Wall Street sur la Silicon Valley n’a jamais été aussi forte »

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