Étiquette : deep learning (Page 4 of 10)

Open AI - Jukebox

“We’re introducing Jukebox, a neural net that generates music, including rudimentary singing, as raw audio in a variety of genres and artist styles. We’re releasing the model weights and code, along with a tool to explore the generated samples.”

Source : Jukebox

Google Vision API

“Google notes in its own AI principles that algorithms and datasets can reinforce bias: ‘We will seek to avoid unjust impacts on people, particularly those related to sensitive characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, income, sexual orientation, ability, and political or religious belief.’ Google invited affected developers to comment on its discussion forums. Only one developer had commented at the time of writing, and complained the change was down to ‘political correctness.’ ‘I don’t think political correctness has room in APIs,’ the person wrote. ‘If I can 99% of the times identify if someone is a man or woman, then so can the algorithm. You don’t want to do it? Companies will go to other services.’”

Source : Google AI will no longer use gender labels like ‘woman’ or ‘man’ on images of people to avoid bias

“NOTE: The audio quality demonstrated here was additionally degraded since we want to avoid improper use of this technology. The purpose of this video is to excite the class about the potential of deep learning, not to deceive anyone. Thus, we purposely lowered the audio quality before publishing to make the synthetic aspect of this video clearer.”

via Alexander Amini

“Python code to submit rotated images to the Cloud Vision API + R code for visualizing it. This repository was used to create this animation.”

Source : GitHub – minimaxir/optillusion-animation: Python code to submit rotated images to the Cloud Vision API + R code for visualizing it


“Pour moi, il ne fait aucun doute que les machines arriveront tôt ou tard à des niveaux d’intelligence aussi performante et générale que les humains et, probablement, nous dépasseront assez vite. […]
Facebook est une entreprise qui n’est pas agressive au niveau commercial ou concurrentiel. C’est une entreprise qui donne l’impression de travailler comme pour une grande famille, les gens qui sont à la direction sont à la fois intelligents et sympathiques. Ils essaient de faire les choses correctement, mais il y a des erreurs dues au fait qu’aucun service de ce type n’existait auparavant, et aussi au fait que des individus, des partenaires ou des gouvernements ont pu abuser de notre confiance.”

Source : Yann Le Cun : « Les machines vont arriver à une intelligence de niveau humain » | Les Echos

“We are building the next generation of media through the power of AI. Copyrights, distribution rights, and infringement claims will soon be things of the past. To give you a glimpse of what we have been working on we created a free resource of 100k high-quality faces. Every image was generated by our internal AI systems as it continually improves. Use them in your presentations, projects, mockups or wherever — all for just a link back to us!”

Source : 100,000 AI-Generated Faces – Free to Download!

“The Cerebras Wafer Scale Engine 46,225 mm2 with 1.2 Trillion transistors and 400,000 AI-optimized cores. By comparison, the largest Graphics Processing Unit is 815 mm2 and has 21.1 Billion transistors.”

Source : Home – Cerebras

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