Étiquette : wtf (Page 4 of 12)

Black Like

“Earlier this week, The Intercept was able to select “white genocide conspiracy theory” as a pre-defined “detailed targeting” criterion on the social network to promote two articles to an interest group that Facebook pegged at 168,000 users large and defined as “people who have expressed an interest or like pages related to White genocide conspiracy theory.” The paid promotion was approved by Facebook’s advertising wing. After we contacted the company for comment, Facebook promptly deleted the targeting category, apologized, and said it should have never existed in the first place.”

Source : Facebook Allowed Advertisers to Target Users Interested in “White Genocide” — Even in Wake of Pittsburgh Massacre

Siblings, ages four and one, and their tablet

“In apps marketed for children 5 and under in the Google Play store, there were pop-up ads with disturbing imagery. There were ads that no child could reasonably be expected to close out of, and which, when triggered, would send a player into more ads. Dancing treasure chests would give young players points for watching video ads, potentially endlessly. The vast majority of ads were not marked at all. Characters in children’s games gently pressured the kids to make purchases, a practice known as host-selling, banned in children’s TV programs in 1974 by the Federal Trade Commission. At other times an onscreen character would cry if the child did not buy something. “The first word that comes to mind is furious,” said Dr. Radesky, an assistant professor of developmental behavioral pediatrics at the University of Michigan Medical School.”

Source : Your Kid’s Apps Are Crammed With Ads – The New York Times


“Prétendant évoluer dans les plus hautes sphères du pouvoir américain, « Q Clearance Patriot » entend révéler des informations secrètes. Pour cela, il alimente la discussion avec des séries de questions évasives (appelées « drops »), en invitant les internautes à opérer par eux-mêmes des rapprochements ; une technique classique des propagateurs de théories du complot.”

Source : Qu’est-ce que « QAnon », le phénomène complotiste visible dans les meetings de Trump ?

“Elon Musk reached a deal with the S.E.C. on Saturday night to resolve securities fraud charges tied to his bid to take Tesla private. The deal requires him to step aside as the automaker’s chairman for three years — though he can remain C.E.O. — and pay a $20 million fine. Tesla must also name two independent directors and monitor Mr. Musk’s communications with investors.”

Source : DealBook Briefing: The S.E.C. Can’t Change Elon Musk – The New York Times

Où l’on « apprend » que la culture à un rapport avec l’ADN…

A monk listens to music at a temple in Luang Prabang October 27, 2007. Luang Prabang, a sleepy town in northern Laos situated at the confluence of the Nam Khan and Mekong River, is home to more than 30 Buddhist temples dating back to the 1500's; and has become a popular tourist destination. It was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995, paving the way for its restoration and preservation.

“What is the sound of you?” This was a question Ancestry, the world’s largest for-profit genealogy company, recently asked its users. Its in-home saliva test can give you an idea of where you’ve come from—but how can you translate that new-found knowledge into something more tangible? Music might be the answer. Ancestry has collaborated with Spotify to determine your musical DNA based on your AncestryDNA test results. “It’s so much more than the stats and the data and the records,”says Vineet Mehra, executive vice president and chief marketing officer at Ancestry. “How do we help people experience their culture and not just read about it? Music seemed like an obvious way to do that.”

Source : Spotify can use your Ancestry DNA test to tell your « musical DNA » — Quartzy

Chronologie des médias : un nouvel accord

“Les services de Vidéo à la Demande payants de type Netflix ou Amazon Prime devraient être les grands bénéficiaires de ce nouveau texte. Le délai de diffusion entre sortie en salles et arrivée sur les plateformes devrait en effet passer de 36 à 17 mois (15 si dérogation) pour ceux respectant la législation hexagonale et signant notamment une convention avec le CSA”.

Source : Chronologie des médias : un nouvel accord signé ce jeudi – Actus Ciné – AlloCiné

“Teens’ preference for face-to-face communication with friends has declined substantially, and their perception of social media’s interference with personal interactions has increased”.

via Common Sense

“After connecting to Facebook, the BlackBerry Hub app was able to retrieve detailed data on 556 of Mr. LaForgia’s friends, including relationship status, religious and political leanings and events they planned to attend. Facebook has said that it cut off third parties’ access to this type of information in 2015, but that it does not consider BlackBerry a third party in this case”.

Source : Facebook Gave Device Makers Deep Access to Data on Users and Friends – The New York Times

“Dans la course à la mobilité autonome, Sion est toujours en tête grâce à une nouvelle première mondiale franchie ces jours dans les rues de la capitale. Fortes d’une technologie développée par Siemens, Valère et Tourbillon sont désormais capables de traverser des feux de signalisation. «Nous avons six mois d’avance sur le reste du monde», s’enthousiasme Philippe Varone, président de la Ville de Sion. Sur la Suisse aussi, où d’autres projets du même type sont expérimentés à Marly ou Cossonay”.

Source : Plus rien n’arrête les navettes, sauf les feux rouges

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