Mois : décembre 2019 (Page 2 of 2)

On ne sauvera pas le Web en dînant avec ses assassins

“On attendait du fondateur de la promesse émancipatrice du Web autre chose qu’une molle ambition contractuelle qui serve de clause de bonne conscience à des entreprises prédatrices de nos libertés et de nos droits. On attendait de Tim Berners-Lee qu’il continue de désigner les coupables, et non qu’il leur fournisse un alibi commode. Car tant que la table des négociations se trouvera dans la salle des marchés, le Web continuera de mourir.”

Source : On ne sauvera pas le Web en dînant avec ses assassins – Libération


“By default, Homebrew sends information to Google Analytics, you can disable that with the following command using the terminal (which you should have open after installing Homebrew): brew analytics off”

Source : webxray

How top health websites are sharing sensitive data with advertisers

A network diagram showing how ad tracker patterns vary for the same website from country to country. Using the example of, it shows 113 nodes with 246 connections in the US, but only 39 nodes and 39 connections in the UK

“The data shared included:

  • drug names entered into were sent to Google’s ad unit DoubleClick.
  • symptoms inputted into WebMD’s symptom checker, and diagnoses received, including “drug overdose”, were shared with Facebook.
  • menstrual and ovulation cycle information from BabyCentre ended up with Amazon Marketing, among others.
  • keywords such as “heart disease” and “considering abortion” were shared from sites like the British Heart Foundation, Bupa and Healthline to companies including Scorecard Research and Blue Kai (owned by software giant Oracle).

In eight cases (with the exception of Healthline and Mind), a specific identifier linked to the web browser was also transmitted — potentially allowing the information to be tied to an individual — and tracker cookies were dropped before consent was given. Healthline confirmed that it also shared unique identifiers with third parties.

None of the websites tested asked for this type of explicit and detailed consent.”

Source : How top health websites are sharing sensitive data with advertisers | Financial Times

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