Mois : avril 2023 (Page 3 of 4)

Google Chrome emergency update fixes first zero-day of 2023

“Google has released an emergency Chrome security update to address the first zero-day vulnerability exploited in attacks since the start of the year. « Google is aware that an exploit for CVE-2023-2033 exists in the wild, » the search giant said in a security advisory published on Friday. The new version is rolling out to users in the Stable Desktop channel, and it will reach the entire user base over the coming days or weeks. Chrome users should upgrade to version 112.0.5615.121 as soon as possible, as it addresses the CVE-2023-2033 vulnerability on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.”

Source : Google Chrome emergency update fixes first zero-day of 2023

Foundation Model API Service – Amazon Bedrock

“Amazon Bedrock provides you the flexibility to choose from a wide range of FMs built by leading AI startups and Amazon so you can find the model that is best suited for what you are trying to get done. With Bedrock’s serverless experience, you can get started quickly, privately customize FMs with your own data, and easily integrate and deploy them into your applications using the AWS tools and capabilities you are familiar with”

FBI warns of public phone chargers: What to know about juice jacking

“To avoid being a victim in the first place, Coulson encourages adopting newer USB technology (such as USB C) or purchasing charging-only cables, which don’t allow data extraction. Wireless chargers are a more secure option, Chugh said, with instances of tampering on such devices “pretty much nonexistent.” When you plug a smartphone into a USB port, it also might ask whether you trust the device you’ve connected to. That’s a signal that the USB could be doing more than just charging. Unless you’ve connected to your personal computer, you should say no, experts say.”

Source : FBI warns of public phone chargers: What to know about juice jacking – The Washington Post

“The issues and delays caused by robotaxis plaguing San Francisco do not seem to be abating, and the thirst for more data and understanding about the emerging technology is growing. Tumlin hopes driverless car companies work with the city to set performance goals, on which expansions would be contingent. “If we don’t help industry do a better job of performing on urban streets,” he says, “public opinion will rapidly turn against this very important technology.””

Source : Dashcam Footage Shows Driverless Cars Clogging San Francisco | WIRED

Géolocalisation de scooters de location : sanction de 125 000 euros à l’encontre de CITYSCOOT

“La CNIL a contrôlé la société CITYSCOOT dont l’activité est la location de scooters pour une courte durée. Les vérifications portaient notamment sur les données collectées ainsi que sur l’information et le recueil du consentement des utilisateurs avant d’inscrire et de lire des informations sur leur équipement terminal de communication électronique. Lors du contrôle, la CNIL a constaté qu’au cours de la location d’un scooter par un particulier, la société collectait des données relatives à la géolocalisation du véhicule toutes les 30 secondes. En outre, la société conservait l’historique de ces trajets.”

Source : Géolocalisation de scooters de location : sanction de 125 000 euros à l’encontre de CITYSCOOT | CNIL

“La publication du code source de Twitter est-elle dangereuse ? Elle va en tout cas permettre à des utilisateurs d’optimiser leur TweepCred pour améliorer leurs chances de passer devant les autres devant l’algorithme. Cependant, plusieurs éléments importants restent cachés, comme le fait que l’on ne sache pas comme l’onglet « Pour Vous » classe les tweets. Être vu par l’algorithme est important, mais apparaître à la 54ème place n’a aucun intérêt… On note aussi l’existence de paramètres amusants, comme celui qui détermine pour chaque tweet si l’auteur est Elon Musk, mais seulement dans un but statistique. Dans le futur, Twitter compte faire évoluer son algorithme, ce qui rendra cette publication obsolète. En attendant, Elon Musk a tenu sa promesse. ”

Source : Les secrets de l’algorithme de Twitter rendus publics : voici ce qu’on apprend – Numerama

Tesla Employees Reportedly Passed Around Images Of Crashes, Road Rage And Owners’ Kids Taken By Car Cameras

“Between 2019 and 2022, recordings of Tesla owners were privately shared via the company’s internal messaging system, catching customers naked, showing their kids and sometimes revealing their locations, nine ex-employees told Reuters. Some of the images were reportedly turned into memes featuring customers’ dogs and funny road signs, while others depicted car crashes and road-rage incidents, including one video of a Tesla crashing into a child riding a bike—but many were distributed to scores of employees.”

Source : Tesla Employees Reportedly Passed Around Images Of Crashes, Road Rage And Owners’ Kids Taken By Car Cameras

‘Thousands of Dollars for Something I Didn’t Do’

“A Jefferson Parish judge recalled the warrant on Wednesday afternoon. “After further investigation, it was learned Randal Reid was not involved in the crimes committed,” the recall said. Mr. Reid was released late Thursday night, almost a full week after being pulled over. He is considering filing a wrongful-arrest lawsuit. “Thousands of dollars for something I didn’t do,” he said. Mr. Robinson, the Color of Change president, said most people in the United States did not have thousands of dollars to clear their names. These people will have “names and stories we will never know,” he said. “They will languish in jails and prisons.””

Source : ‘Thousands of Dollars for Something I Didn’t Do’ – The New York Times

“It is a huge thing, and therefore it is important to distinguish what we are talking about. One of the insights in my research at the Max Planck Institute is that if you have a situation that is stable and well defined, then complex algorithms such as deep neural networks are certainly better than human performance. Examples are [the games] chess and Go, which are stable. But if you have a problem that is not stable—for instance, you want to predict a virus, like a coronavirus—then keep your hands off complex algorithms. [Dealing with] the uncertainty—that is more how the human mind works, to identify the one or two important cues and ignore the rest. In that type of ill-defined problem, complex algorithms don’t work well. I call this the “stable world principle,” and it helps you as a first clue about what AI can do. It also tells you that, in order to get the most out of AI, we have to make the world more predictable. […]
Think about a coffee house in your hometown that serves free coffee. Everyone goes there because it is free, and all the other coffee houses get bankrupt. So you have no choice anymore, but at least you get your free coffee and enjoy your conversations with your friends. But on the tables are microphones and on the walls are video cameras that record everything you say, every word, and to whom, and send it off to analyze. The coffee house is full of salespeople who interrupt you all the time to offer you personalized products. That is roughly the situation you are in when you are on Facebook, Instagram or other platforms. [Meta Platforms Inc., the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, declined to comment.] In this coffee house, you aren’t the customer. You are the product. So we want to have a coffee house where we are allowed again to pay [for] ourselves, so that we are the customers.”

Source : A Psychologist Explains How AI and Algorithms Are Changing Our Lives – WSJ

‘Vulkan files’ leak reveals Putin’s global and domestic cyberwarfare tactics

‘Vulkan files’ leak reveals Putin’s global and domestic cyberwarfare tactics

“One document links a Vulkan cyber-attack tool with the notorious hacking group Sandworm, which the US government said twice caused blackouts in Ukraine, disrupted the Olympics in South Korea and launched NotPetya, the most economically destructive malware in history. Codenamed Scan-V, it scours the internet for vulnerabilities, which are then stored for use in future cyber-attacks. Another system, known as Amezit, amounts to a blueprint for surveilling and controlling the internet in regions under Russia’s command, and also enables disinformation via fake social media profiles. A third Vulkan-built system – Crystal-2V – is a training program for cyber-operatives in the methods required to bring down rail, air and sea infrastructure. ”

Source : ‘Vulkan files’ leak reveals Putin’s global and domestic cyberwarfare tactics | Cyberwar | The Guardian

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