Étiquette : manipulation (Page 3 of 15)

« Ça peut mal tourner  » : comment Wikipédia se protège contre ceux qui tentent de le manipuler

Ces multiples atouts ont leurs limites. «  L’encyclopédie fonctionne parce qu’il y a plus de gens bien intentionnés que de gens malhonnêtes. Mais si le ratio s’inverse, les bénévoles qui agissent sur leur temps libre auront du mal à maintenir Wikipédia en état », alerte Pierre-Yves Beaudouin. Si certaines pages se prêtent mal aux tripotages, les angles morts restent légion.

Source : « Ça peut mal tourner  » : comment Wikipédia se protège contre ceux qui tentent de le manipuler

How We’re Tackling Misinformation Across Our Apps

“Let’s start with fake accounts. We take a hard line against this activity and block millions of fake accounts each day, most of them at the time of creation. Between October and December of 2020, we disabled more than 1.3 billion of them. We also investigate and take down covert foreign and domestic influence operations that rely on fake accounts. Over the past three years, we’ve removed over 100 networks of coordinated inauthentic behavior (CIB) from our platform and keep the public informed about our efforts through our monthly CIB reports. ”

Source : How We’re Tackling Misinformation Across Our Apps – About Facebook

Thierry Breton, the EU’s internal market commissioner at a hearing before the European Parliament, in Brussels, in November 2019

“In a virtual meeting on Thursday, Sundar Pichai told Mr Breton, the internal market commissioner, that Google was a very large company and that the document “was never shown to me”. He added that he had not “sanctioned” the plan, according to two people familiar with the conversation. The document set out Google’s response to landmark new legislation from the EU as the bloc reshapes how it regulates internet companies. It contained a two-month strategy to remove “unreasonable constraints” to Google’s business model and “reset the narrative”. It singled out Mr Breton, listing one objective to “increase pushback” on the French commissioner in an attempt to weaken support for the proposed plans in Brussels. ”

Source : Google apologises to Thierry Breton over plan to target EU commissioner | Financial Times


“This isn’t to let social networks off the hook. Nor is it an effort to make the problem feel so complicated that everyone just throws their hands up and walks away from it. But I’m shocked at how appealing so many people find the idea that social networks are uniquely responsible for all of society’s ills. (The Social Dilemma has been among the 10 most watched programs on Netflix all week.) This cartoon super villain view of the world strikes me as a kind of mirror image of the right-wing conspiracy theories which hold that a cabal of elites are manipulating every world event in secret. It is more than a little ironic that a film that warns incessantly about platforms using misinformation to stoke fear and outrage seems to exist only to stoke fear and outrage — while promoting a distorted view of how those platforms work along the way.”

Source : What ‘The Social Dilemma’ misunderstands about social networks – The Verge

“Ce film a été réalisé dans le cadre du programme « Mon Œil ! ». En lien avec l’équipe enseignante et sur le temps scolaire, quatre ateliers de découverte et de réflexion permettent aux lycéens d’interroger les enjeux de création, diffusion, réception des images fixes et en mouvement autour d’une thématique, « Repenser l’histoire ». Dernier temps du programme, l’atelier de recherche et de création propose aux jeunes de participer collectivement à la conception et réalisation d’un projet avec un artiste invité.”

via Le bal : Révélation – La véritable identité des chats

Hold Up : le succès du film complotiste embarrasse les plateformes qui lui ont permis d’exister

“Le 11 novembre 2020, le compte de Tprod avait reçu des promesses de don de 28 000 euros par mois. Trois jours plus tard, ils en sont désormais à 123 000 euros par mois, de la part de 6 300 participants, ce qui est tout simplement inédit pour la plateforme.”
«  N’importe qui a le droit de créer une page Tipeee. À partir du moment où nos règles et conditions générales sont respectées et que personne n’a été mis en cause par la justice française sur un contenu, nous n’avons pas vocation à sélectionner les créateurs en fonction de ce qu’ils pensent. Nous ne sommes pas politisés, nous n’avons pas vocation à faire de l’éditorialisation, nous sommes un outil de collecte. » – Michael Goldman, fondateur de Tipeee.

Source : Hold Up : le succès du film complotiste embarrasse les plateformes qui lui ont permis d’exister

Facebook removes pages tied to Steve Bannon for misinformation


“Facebook took down a widespread network of pages tied to President Trump’s former chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon for pushing misinformation about voter fraud and delegitimizing election results. Bannon’s page also incurred penalties, including not being allowed to post content, but was not removed from Facebook.
The seven pages, which had a total of over 2.45 million followers and had pushed the “Stop the Steal” messaging that alleges election fraud, were flagged for Facebook by the liberal group Avaaz on Friday night.”

Source : Facebook removes pages tied to Steve Bannon for misinformation – The Washington Post


“A pop-up would appear, asking about a patient’s level of pain. Then, a drop-down menu would list treatments ranging from a referral to a pain specialist to a prescription for an opioid painkiller. Click a button, and the program would create a treatment plan. From 2016 to spring 2019, the alert went off about 230 million times. The tool existed thanks to a secret deal. Its maker, a software company called Practice Fusion, was paid by a major opioid manufacturer to design it in an effort to boost prescriptions for addictive pain pills — even though overdose deaths had almost tripled during the previous 15 years, creating a public-health disaster. The software was used by tens of thousands of doctors’ offices.”

Source : In secret deal with drugmaker, health-records tool pushed opioids – Los Angeles Times

“There is the next frontier in political advertising: your personal location data, collected from apps you’ve downloaded that then take this sensitive information and sell it to third parties — including political campaigns. Love it or hate it, digital strategists see this location data as part of the future of political campaigns, as candidates and advocacy groups harness your personal whereabouts and leverage it to try to win your support. One campaign might know if you’ve passed by one of their lawn signs recently. Another might track whether you’ve been in a specific Catholic church in Dubuque, Iowa. Forces behind Trump, who three years ago said he considered data to be “overrated” in politics, are exploring this next iteration of digital campaign tools. And with the incumbent president’s vastly superior resources and innate appetite for digital experimentation, many leading Democrats are concerned that it is the GOP — not the digitally pioneering party of Barack Obama — that is mastering Silicon Valley’s tricks ahead of what’s expected to be the most expensive US presidential election ever.”

Source : How Trump allies are using your phone’s location to try and win your vote – Vox

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