Étiquette : crowdsourcing (Page 1 of 3)

Do the Online Activities of Amazon Mechanical Turk Workers Mirror Those of the General Population? A Comparison of Two Survey Samples

“Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) offers a relatively low-cost alternative to traditional expensive survey samples, which likely explains its popularity among survey researchers. An important question about using such samples is whether they are representative of the larger Internet user population. Though prior research has addressed this question about demographic characteristics, little work has examined how AMT workers compare with others regarding their online activities—namely, social media experiences and online active engagement. This article analyzes survey data administered concurrently on an AMT and a national sample of U.S. adults to show that AMT workers are significantly more likely to use numerous social media, from Twitter to Pinterest and Reddit, as well as have significantly more experiences contributing their own online content, from posting videos to participating in various online forums and signing online petitions. The article discusses the implications of these findings for research that uses AMT as a sampling frame when examining questions related to social media use and active online engagement.”

Source : Do the Online Activities of Amazon Mechanical Turk Workers Mirror Those of the General Population? A Comparison of Two Survey Samples | Shaw | International Journal of Communication

Tessellated TikTok logos against a dark background.

“A member of the Stanford Behavioral Laboratory posted on a Prolific forum, “We have noticed a huge leap in the number of participants on the platform in the US Pool, from 40k to 80k. Which is great, however, now a lot of our studies have a gender skew where maybe 85% of participants are women. Plus the age has been averaging around 21.” Wayne State psychologist Hannah Schechter seems to have been the first person to crack the case. “This may be far-fetched,” she tweeted, linking to Frank’s video, “but given the timing, virality of the video, and the user’s follower demographics….” Long-standing Prolific survey-takers complained on Reddit that Frank had made it difficult to find paid surveys to take on the overrun platform.”

Source : A teenager on TikTok disrupted thousands of scientific studies with a single video – The Verge

« Ça peut mal tourner  » : comment Wikipédia se protège contre ceux qui tentent de le manipuler

Ces multiples atouts ont leurs limites. «  L’encyclopédie fonctionne parce qu’il y a plus de gens bien intentionnés que de gens malhonnêtes. Mais si le ratio s’inverse, les bénévoles qui agissent sur leur temps libre auront du mal à maintenir Wikipédia en état », alerte Pierre-Yves Beaudouin. Si certaines pages se prêtent mal aux tripotages, les angles morts restent légion.

Source : « Ça peut mal tourner  » : comment Wikipédia se protège contre ceux qui tentent de le manipuler

“Newcomers to Wikipedia may not understand that discussion about what gets added or deleted from entries isn’t done behind closed doors. Rather, it happens on the publicly accessible “notes” pages of each entry—where volunteers will discuss edits and have open discussions on whether changes should go forward or not. Editing Wikipedia pages helps users understand just how malleable knowledge is, says Alex Jung, the University of Toronto’s Wikipedian-in-residence. If someone makes substantive edits to an entry, “someone who visited the page today will have an entirely different idea of the topic than someone who visited it yesterday. Knowledge is fluctuating all the time.””

Source : Why universities are hiring “Wikipedeans-in-Residence”

“The Wikimedia Foundation believes that, working with checkusers, stewards and vandal-fighters, it’s possible to figure out a way to protect our users’ privacy while keeping our anti-vandalism tools working at-par with how they work now. Hence, it has decided to work on shielding IP addresses from our wikis — including restricting the number of people who can see other users’ IP addresses, and reducing the amount of time IP addresses are stored in our databases and logs. It is important to note that a critical part of this work will be to ensure that our wikis still have access to the same (or better) level of anti-vandalism tooling and are not at risk of facing abuse”

Source : IP Editing: Privacy Enhancement and Abuse Mitigation – Meta


«Au nom de l’amélioration de la sécurité routière, les applications GPS comme Waze et Coyote qui permettent, outre de guider les automobilistes pendant leur trajet, de les prévenir en cas de présence de radars ou d’agents de police sur la route, auront peut-être très bientôt l’obligation de cacher temporairement certains signalements sur des zones désignées par les forces de l’ordre».

Source : Pour rester discrète sur les routes, la police pourra interdire les signalements sur Waze et Coyote – Politique – Numerama

« The news is broken and we can fix it. We’re bringing genuine community control to our news with unrestricted access for all. We’re developing a living, breathing tool that’ll present accurate information with real evidence, so that you can confidently make up your own mind ».

Source : Wikitribune – Evidence-based journalism

« Dès les premières minutes qui ont suivi la mise en ligne de ce clip, la définition Wikipédia a fait l’objet d’une petite guerre de réécriture, entre les internautes s’amusant à ajouter des ingrédients nocifs (clous et autres morceaux de rats) et les équipes de Burger King qui corrigeaient ces changements. The Verge, rapporte que la définition normalement prévue, qui détaillait tous les ingrédients, a été modifiée directement par le chef du marketing de la chaîne, Fernando Machado, avec le même pseudo que son compte instagram, Fermachado123 (pas très discret) ».

Source : Burger King détourne Google Home pour faire sa publicité, Google riposte – Tech – Numerama

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