Étiquette : deep learning (Page 1 of 10)

IA générative : quels modèles sont vraiment ouverts

“Dans l’IA générative comme dans d’autres domaines du numérique, le mot « open » peut attirer avec ses promesses de transparence, de traçabilité, de sécurité ou de réutilisation possible. S’il est beaucoup utilisé de façon marketing, le nouvel AI Act européen prévoit des exemptions pour les modèles « ouverts ». Des chercheurs néerlandais ont classé 40 modèles de génération de textes et six modèles de génération d’images se prétendant « open » par degré d’ouverture réelle.”

Source : IA générative : quels modèles sont vraiment ouverts – Next

OpenAI’s News Corp deal licenses content from WSJ, New York Post, and more


“OpenAI has struck a deal with News Corp, the media company that owns The Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, The Daily Telegraph, and others. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, OpenAI’s deal with News Corp could be worth over $250 million in the next five years “in the form of cash and credits for use of OpenAI technology.””

Source : OpenAI’s News Corp deal licenses content from WSJ, New York Post, and more – The Verge

Spotify’s AI Voice Translation Pilot Means Your Favorite Podcasters Might Be Heard in Your Native Language

“This Spotify-developed tool leverages the latest innovations—one of which is OpenAI’s newly released voice generation technology—to match the original speaker’s style, making for a more authentic listening experience that sounds more personal and natural than traditional dubbing. A podcast episode originally recorded in English can now be available in other languages while keeping the speaker’s distinctive speech characteristics. ”

Source : Spotify’s AI Voice Translation Pilot Means Your Favorite Podcasters Might Be Heard in Your Native Language — Spotify

Do Foundation Model Providers Comply with the EU AI Act? – Stanford CRFM


“We find that foundation model providers unevenly comply with the stated requirements of the draft EU AI Act. Enacting and enforcing the EU AI Act will bring about significant positive change in the foundation model ecosystem. Foundation model providers’ compliance with requirements regarding copyright, energy, risk, and evaluation is especially poor, indicating areas where model providers can improve. Our assessment shows sharp divides along the boundary of open vs. closed releases: we believe that all providers can feasibly improve their conduct, independent of where they fall along this spectrum. Overall, our analysis speaks to a broader trend of waning transparency: providers should take action to collectively set industry standards that improve transparency, and policymakers should take action to ensure adequate transparency underlies this general-purpose technology.”

Source : Stanford CRFM

Sam Altman, ChatGPT Creator and OpenAI CEO, Urges Senate for AI Regulation

“Some of the toughest questions and comments toward Mr. Altman came from Dr. Marcus, who noted OpenAI hasn’t been transparent about the data its uses to develop its systems. He expressed doubt in Mr. Altman’s prediction that new jobs will replace those killed off by A.I. “We have unprecedented opportunities here but we are also facing a perfect storm of corporate irresponsibility, widespread deployment, lack of adequate regulation and inherent unreliability,” Dr. Marcus said. Tech companies have argued that Congress should be careful with any broad rules that lump different kinds of A.I. together. In Tuesday’s hearing, Ms. Montgomery of IBM called for an A.I. law that is similar to Europe’s proposed regulations, which outlines various levels of risk. She called for rules that focus on specific uses, not regulating the technology itself.”

Source : Sam Altman, ChatGPT Creator and OpenAI CEO, Urges Senate for AI Regulation – The New York Times

L’effarante hypocrisie des géants de la tech face à la régulation de l’intelligence artificielle


“Un sourire sur les lèvres, Sam Altman a dû rentrer très satisfait de son escapade à Washington. On imagine le directeur d’OpenAI, éditeur de ChatGPT, taper dans les mains de ses collaborateurs de retour à San Francisco. Mission accomplie, sans doute au-delà de ses espérances, après avoir passé mardi soir trois heures devant une commission parlementaire. Non seulement Sam Altman a charmé les sénateurs. Mais en plus, il s’est posé comme le noble défenseur d’une régulation de l’intelligence artificielle (IA). Un sommet d’hypocrisie, à notre sens. La partie a été beaucoup trop facile pour le directeur d’OpenAI. On a été loin, très loin des interrogatoires musclés de directeurs d’autres géants de la tech, questionnés ces dernières années sur les effets nocifs des réseaux sociaux ou sur des fuites de données. Non, Sam Altman a pu tranquillement présenter les avantages et inconvénients de l’IA et une nouvelle fois appeler à sa régulation.”

Source : L’effarante hypocrisie des géants de la tech face à la régulation de l’intelligence artificielle – Le Temps

Google « We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI »


“At the beginning of March the open source community got their hands on their first really capable foundation model, as Meta’s LLaMA was leaked to the public. It had no instruction or conversation tuning, and no RLHF. Nonetheless, the community immediately understood the significance of what they had been given. A tremendous outpouring of innovation followed, with just days between major developments (see The Timeline for the full breakdown). Here we are, barely a month later, and there are variants with instruction tuning, quantization, quality improvements, human evals, multimodality, RLHF, etc. etc. many of which build on each other. Most importantly, they have solved the scaling problem to the extent that anyone can tinker. Many of the new ideas are from ordinary people. The barrier to entry for training and experimentation has dropped from the total output of a major research organization to one person, an evening, and a beefy laptop.”

Source : Google « We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI »

Foundation Model API Service – Amazon Bedrock

“Amazon Bedrock provides you the flexibility to choose from a wide range of FMs built by leading AI startups and Amazon so you can find the model that is best suited for what you are trying to get done. With Bedrock’s serverless experience, you can get started quickly, privately customize FMs with your own data, and easily integrate and deploy them into your applications using the AWS tools and capabilities you are familiar with”

3.1% of workers have pasted confidential company data into ChatGPT

How much sensitive data goes to ChatGPT

“Since ChatGPT launched three months ago it’s taken the world by storm. People are using it to create poems, essays for school, and song lyrics. It’s also making inroads in the workplace. According to data from Cyberhaven’s product, as of March 21, 8.2% of employees have used ChatGPT in the workplace and 6.5% have pasted company data into it since it launched. Some knowledge workers say that using the tool makes them 10 times more productive. But companies like JP Morgan and Verizon are blocking access to ChatGPT over concerns about confidential data.”

Source : 3.1% of workers have pasted confidential company data into ChatGPT – Cyberhaven

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