Étiquette : internet of things (Page 1 of 2)

«Le Conseil des Etats a refusé d’assouplir une ordonnance sur le rayonnement émis par les antennes de téléphonie mobile, compromettant le lancement, en 2020, de la 5G. Les opérateurs télécoms sont furieux, mais les milieux de la santé demandent d’être prudents»

Source : Le virage numérique suisse est menacé – Le Temps

« The Internet of Things’ « security through obscurity » has been proven once again to not be terribly secure thanks to an angry and possibly inebriated ex-employee. Adam Flanagan, a former radio frequency engineer for a company that manufactures remote meter reading equipment for utilities, was convicted on June 15 in Philadelphia after pleading guilty to two counts of « unauthorized access to a protected computer and thereby recklessly causing damage. » Flanagan admitted that after being fired by his employer, he used information about systems he had worked on to disable meter reading equipment at several water utilities. In at least one case, Flanagan also changed the default password to an obscenity ».

Source : Some beers, anger at former employer, and root access add up to a year in prison | Ars Technica

« Un hackeur affirme avoir détourné environ 150 000 imprimantes mal sécurisées et les avoir utilisées pour imprimer des messages humoristiques. Les différents messages imprimés mettent en garde les possesseurs des imprimantes, critiquent Donald Trump, disent qu’il faut économiser l’encre et sont pour certains illustrés par un petit robot dessiné à l’aide de caractères ».

Source : Des milliers d’imprimantes détournées avec humour par un pirate

Zuckerberg has always enjoyed what he calls the « deterministic » nature of engineering—the element of being able to sit down and build something that does exactly what you want it to do. For all the wildly ambitious things he can accomplish as the head of a company of more than 15,000 people that has billions of users across Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook itself, he missed that pleasurable certainty.

Source : At Home With Mark Zuckerberg And Jarvis, The AI Assistant He Built For His Family | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

« I think government involvement is coming, and I’d like to get ahead of it. I’d like to start thinking about what this would look like.We’re now at the point where we need to start making more ethical and political decisions about how these things work. When it didn’t matter—when it was Facebook, when it was Twitter, when it was email—it was OK to let programmers, to give them the special right to code the world as they saw fit. We were able to do that. But now that it’s the world of dangerous things—and it’s cars and planes and medical devices and everything else—maybe we can’t do that anymore ».

Source : Bruce Schneier: ‘The Internet Era of Fun and Games Is Over’ | The Daily Dot

Ces systèmes de chauffage « n’étaient pas la cible de cette attaque, ils ont été compromis dans une cyberattaque visant des entités européennes », a déclaré son responsable cybersécurité, Jarkko Saarimäki. « Cette attaque a été réalisée de façon à faire passer son trafic à travers différents systèmes vulnérables », parmi lesquels ces systèmes de chauffage.

Source : Une attaque informatique prive de chauffage des immeubles finlandais

The botnets are made up of tens of thousands of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, including unsecure routers, digital video recorders (DVRs) and connected IP cameras. Such IoT machines have been shown widely vulnerable to simple hacks, meaning the bot masters are easily able to build up vast networks of compromised systems to send extraordinary volumes of traffic to a chosen target.

Source : How Hacked Cameras Are Helping Launch The Biggest Attacks The Internet Has Ever Seen

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