Étiquette : openai

OpenAI’s News Corp deal licenses content from WSJ, New York Post, and more


“OpenAI has struck a deal with News Corp, the media company that owns The Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, The Daily Telegraph, and others. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, OpenAI’s deal with News Corp could be worth over $250 million in the next five years “in the form of cash and credits for use of OpenAI technology.””

Source : OpenAI’s News Corp deal licenses content from WSJ, New York Post, and more – The Verge

Open AI – New models and developer products announced at DevDay

New Models And Developer Products Announced At DevDay

“Today, we shared dozens of new additions and improvements, and reduced pricing across many parts of our platform. These include: New GPT-4 Turbo model that is more capable, cheaper and supports a 128K context window New Assistants API that makes it easier for developers to build their own assistive AI apps that have goals and can call models and tools New multimodal capabilities in the platform, including vision, image creation (DALL·E 3), and text-to-speech (TTS)”

Source : New models and developer products announced at DevDay


“OpenAI Five lost two games against top Dota 2 players at The International in Vancouver this week, maintaining a good chance of winning for the first 20-35 minutes of both games”.

Source : The International 2018: Results

“Our team of five neural networks, OpenAI Five, has started to defeat amateur human teams at Dota 2. While today we play with restrictions, we aim to beat a team of top professionals at The International in August subject only to a limited set of heroes. We may not succeed: Dota 2 is one of the most popular and complex esports games in the world, with creative and motivated professionals who train year-round to earn part of Dota’s annual $40M prize pool.
OpenAI Five plays 180 years worth of games against itself every day, learning via self-play. It trains using a scaled-up version of Proximal Policy Optimization running on 256 GPUs and 128,000 CPU cores — a larger-scale version of the system we built to play the much-simpler solo variant of the game last year. Using a separate LSTM for each hero and no human data, it learns recognizable strategies. This indicates that reinforcement learning can yield long-term planning with large but achievable scale — without fundamental advances, contrary to our own expectations upon starting the project”.

Source : OpenAI Five

« Over the past week, our bot was undefeated against many top professionals including SumaiL (top 1v1 player in the world) and Arteezy (top overall player in the world). Dota 1v1 is a complex game with hidden information. Agents must learn to plan, attack, trick, and deceive their opponents. The correlation between player skill and actions-per-minute is not strong, and in fact, our AI’s actions-per-minute are comparable to that of an average human player ».

Elon Musk ne comprend peut-être rien à l’IA, mais Tesla et OpenAI ont « un peu » d’avance sur Google, et beaucoup sur Facebook…

Imaginons un monde où le Go serait comme le morpion !

Source : Open AI – Dota 2

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