Étiquette : telegram

Telegram is crawling with antisemitism

“Telegram has been unresponsive to Hope Not Hate’s flagging of extremist antisemitic channels and accounts. Hermansson says that the organisation has reached out to the platform with a list of the worst-offending channels advocating for terror. “And they’re still up there. The ones that have disappeared have disappeared of their own accord,” he says. “Not because of Telegram.” That is dangerous, he says, because the impact of these channels can very easily bleed into the offline world. The British fascist group Patriotic Alternative has established a significant presence on Telegram, while the transnational neo-Nazi outfit AtomWaffen Division, which has been linked to at least 11 murders worldwide, has also managed to expand its reach thanks to the platform. “It’s not just kind of a fluffy ideology we are talking about,” says Hermansson. “It’s actual terror propaganda.””

Source : Telegram is crawling with antisemitism | WIRED UK

“Telegram Channels are a powerful tool for broadcasting your messages to unlimited audiences. Since 2015, media organizations and public figures have been using them to reach readers, voters and fans – especially in countries where freedom of speech is limited.Recently, we noticed a new type of channel gaining popularity: those created by Ministries of Health from around the world. India, Malaysia, Israel and many other countries now send news updates, warnings and tips via Telegram.”

Source : Coronavirus News and Verified Channels

““Our emergency action today is intended to prevent Telegram from flooding the U.S. markets with digital tokens that we allege were unlawfully sold,” said Stephanie Avakian, Co-Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. “We allege that the defendants have failed to provide investors with information regarding Grams and Telegram’s business operations, financial condition, risk factors, and management that the securities laws require.””

Source : SEC.gov | SEC Halts Alleged $1.7 Billion Unregistered Digital Token Offering


«According to the document, the Telegram Open Network (TON) will be a “third generation” blockchain with more efficient transaction and scaling capabilities than current solutions like Bitcoin and Ethereum.TNW has been able to confirm the authenticity of the white paper leaked by Cryptovest with an independent source.Here is the leaked document as obtained from Cryptovest and corroborated by TNW» -> Telegram Open Network

Source : Here is the leaked white paper for the massive Telegram ICO

C’est dit…

«Avec Gram, les utilisateurs de la messagerie cryptée pourraient ainsi contourner les frais de transfert lorsqu’ils envoient des fonds, s’affranchissant notamment des règles internationales. Grâce à la technologie de la blockchain les utilisateurs pourront déplacer des sommes d’argent en toute discrétion, grâce au cryptage de l’application».

Source : La messagerie Telegram prête à lancer sa propre cryptomonnaie

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