Étiquette : Twitter (Page 5 of 8)

«In this case, Schafer suspects the use of pro-gun control hashtags like #guncontrolnow are being used sarcastically, particularly since they’re often paired with the anti-gun control links. Since the Twitter accounts Hamilton 68 tracks often target right-wing audiences, Schafer believes the trolls are using the message to attract more eyeballs. ‘That allows them to then push content that is more directly related to the Kremlin’s geopolitical agenda’»

Source : Pro-Gun Russian Bots Flood Twitter After Parkland Shooting | WIRED

«Ces violences affectent la santé et la vie sociale des victimes, avec la même gravité que les autres formes de violences faites aux femmes. Elles n’ont rien de virtuel. Elles sont pourtant largement tolérées. C’est ce dont témoigne un testing inédit mené par le HCE et ses partenaires en juillet 2017 sur les principaux réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Twitter et Youtube) : 92% des contenus sexistes signalés (insultes, menaces de viols ou incitation à la haine) n’ont pas été supprimés par les plateformes, avec des écarts : 87 % pour Facebook, 89 % pour Twitter et 100% pour Youtube».

Source : Violences faites aux femmes en ligne : le HCE appelle à une véritable prise de conscience et action des géants du web et des pouvoirs publics – Haut Conseil à l’Egalité entre les femmes et les hommes

Library of Congress

«Twitter has also grown exponentially in the years since the library started its collection. That year, 2010, about half a billion tweets were posted every two weeks. In November, that many were sent each day. The messages are now longer: The company recently doubled its limit for tweets to 280 from 140 characters. Such complications have plagued public access to the archive, too, which is limited while the library works to find a cost-effective and sustainable way to open the archive to the public».

Source : The Library of Congress No Longer Wants All the Tweets – The New York Times

twitter to 280 characters

«During the first few days of the test many people Tweeted the full 280 limit because it was new and novel, but soon after behavior normalized (more on this below). We saw when people needed to use more than 140 characters, they Tweeted more easily and more often. But importantly, people Tweeted below 140 most of the time and the brevity of Twitter remained».

Source : Tweeting Made Easier

« Over the last months, I reported about 300 hate tweets. Twitter failed to delete most of them, so I sprayed them in front of their office ».

via Shahak Shapira

Russian man visited Chinese click farm.They make fake ratings for mobile apps and things like this.He said they have 10,000 more phones.

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