Étiquette : wikipedia (Page 4 of 5)

Taha Yasseri of the Oxford Internet Institute and colleagues looked at Wikipedia’s different language editions from their inception (January 2001 for English) to March 2010 and ranked the most contested articles, based on the number of reverts and the number of edits the contributors have made (dubbed their “maturity score”). The results in some ways confirm cultural stereotypes. Americans bicker over politics and professional wrestling; among the top French squabbles is Freud.

Source : Daily chart: Edit wars | The Economist

“Histography » is interactive timeline that spans across 14 billion years of history, from the Big Bang to 2015.The site draws historical events from Wikipedia and self-updates daily with new recorded events.The interface allows for users to view between decades to millions of years.The viewer can choose to watch a variety of events which have happened in a particular period or to target a specific event in time. For example you can look at the past century within the categories of war and inventions.Histography was created as a final project in Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design. Guided by Ronel Mor – histography.io

Source : Histography – Matan Stauber

Wikipedia editors revolt, vote “no confidence” in newest board member | Ars Technica

The editors object to Geshuri’s involvement in a high-profile « no poach » agreement between several large tech companies. In that deal, companies agreed not to « cold call » each others’ workers. In 2010, the Department of Justice said the arrangement—which applied to Google, Apple, Adobe, Intuit, Intel, and Pixar, among others—violated antitrust law.

Source : Wikipedia editors revolt, vote “no confidence” in newest board member | Ars Technica

Accroître et enrichir les contenus sur le Québec et son histoire dans Wikipédia, rendre disponibles dans Wikisource nos grands textes historiques et littéraires qui sont du domaine public, diffuser dans Wikimedia Commons des contenus visuels qui expriment la créativité de nos artistes, voilà le grand défi que nous devons aujourd’hui relever si nous voulons exister et être reconnus dans le monde. La nation québécoise peut-elle se permettre de manquer le bateau de la plus grande entreprise de partage et de diffusion des connaissances de l’histoire de l’humanité ?

Source : Le Québec, parent pauvre de Wikipédia | Le Devoir

Wikipédia Objet Scientifique non identifié

Parmi les dix premiers sites visités au monde, Wikipédia est désormais d’un usage courant dans le milieu éducatif et scientifique. Mais quelles sont exactement les relations que les chercheurs ont nouées avec la plus célèbre encyclopédie participative et collaborative en ligne ? Tel est l’objet de ce livre collectif et interdisciplinaire, où alternent études de cas et réflexions transversales.

Source : Wikipédia, objet scientifique non identifié – Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest

Wikimedia Foundation wins lawsuit brought by director who sought to hide her age on Wikipedia

“The publication of the Claimant’s birth year in the online lexicon Wikipedia does not infringe upon her general right of personality or data protection law,” said the Amtsgericht München, a local court in Munich. It added that the Claimant is a “renowned producer of documentaries” who has published a documentary almost annually since 1987.

Source : Wikimedia Foundation wins lawsuit brought by director who sought to hide her age on Wikipedia | VentureBeat | Media | by Paul Sawers

As society turns to Wikipedia for answers, students, educators, and citizens should understand its limitations when researching scientific topics that are politically charged. On entries subject to edit-wars, like acid rain, evolution, and global change, one can obtain – within seconds – diametrically different information on the same topic.

Source : On Wikipedia, politically controversial science topics are vulnerable to information sabotage | Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

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