Mois : décembre 2016 (Page 3 of 6)

L’équipe, qui assure notamment son impartialité en s’interdisant de recruter des membres encartés dans un parti, malgré leurs talents potentiels, compte aussi occuper le terrain grâce aux 50 jeunes qui sillonneront la France en mars et en avril, pour animer des rencontres sur les campus, dans les lycées, les clubs de foot… L’équipe ne cherche pas à convaincre le public de voter à tout prix mais veut simplement transmettre un message clair aux 18-35 ans : « La politique, c’est nous ». Et ainsi leur permettre d’agir en conscience.

Dit autrement, au nom de la neutralité, Voxe recrute des personnes peu engagées en politique pour convaincre de s’engager en politique.

Source : Présidentielle 2017 : Voxe veut réconcilier la jeunesse et la politique grâce à la tech – Politique – Numerama

A group of Russian criminals are making between $3 million and $5 million every day in a brazen attack on the advertising market, security firm White Ops claimed today. It’s the biggest digital ad fraud ever uncovered and perpetrated by faking clicks on video ads, the company said.The crew, which White Ops dubbed Ad Fraud Komanda or « AFK13 », planned their machinations in meticulous detail. First, they created more than 6,000 domains and 250,267 distinct URLs within those that appeared to belong to real big-name publishers, from ESPN to Vogue.

Source : ‘Biggest Ad Fraud Ever’: Hackers Make $5M A Day By Faking 300M Video Views

News Feed FYI: Addressing Hoaxes and Fake News

« We believe providing more context can help people decide for themselves what to trust and what to share. We’ve started a program to work with third-party fact checking organizations that are signatories of Poynter’s International Fact Checking Code of Principles. We’ll use the reports from our community, along with other signals, to send stories to these organizations. If the fact checking organizations identify a story as fake, it will get flagged as disputed and there will be a link to the corresponding article explaining why. Stories that have been disputed may also appear lower in News Feed.

Source : News Feed FYI: Addressing Hoaxes and Fake News | Facebook Newsroom

Today, Freedom of the Press Foundation is publishing an open letter to the world’s leading camera manufacturers—including Nikon, Sony, Canon, Olympus, and Fuji—urging them to build encryption into their still photo and video cameras to help protect the filmmakers and photojournalists who use them. The letter is signed by over 150 documentary filmmakers and photojournalists from around the world, including fifteen Academy Award nominees and winners, such as Laura Poitras, Alex Gibney, Joshua Oppenheimer, and many more. You can read the full text below.

Source : Over 150 filmmakers and photojournalists call on major camera manufacturers to build encryption into their cameras

Suleyman also argued that the kind of General AI we see in movies today probably won’t look anything like the general AI systems we will get decades from now. “When it comes to imagining what the future will be like, a lot of that is fun and entertaining, but it doesn’t bear a great deal of resemblance to the systems that we are building,” he said. “I can’t really think of a film that makes me think: yeah – AI looks like that.”

Source : DeepMind’s Mustafa Suleyman says general AI is still a long way off | TechCrunch

La police de Floride a récemment arrêté qui s’adonnait au crime de voyeurisme avec son iPhone 5. Au cours de son interpellation, l’homme a autorisé verbalement les forces de l’ordre à fouiller son smartphone. Mais il est ensuite revenu sur sa décision en refusant de donner le mot de passe à 4 chiffres indispensable à cette opération.
Un premier magistrat a refusé que la police puisse forcer l’homme à donner son code au motif que cette demande revenait à l’obliger à témoigner contre lui-même, une pratique interdite par le cinquième amendement de la Constitution.
Mais aujourd’hui, la décision a été annulée par la cour d’appel de Floride. Celle-ci a considéré que le mot de passe n’est pas directement relié à des photos ou des vidéos criminelles qui pourraient figurer — ou pas — sur le smartphone.

Source : En Floride, la police peut forcer un accusé à dévoiler le code de son smartphone – Politique – Numerama

Microsoft Translator erodes language barrier for in-person conversations

“Instead of the word being a thing by itself, it is represented by a 500-dimensional vector, or basically a 500 set of numbers, and each of those numbers capture some aspect of the word,” Menezes explained. To create a translation, neural networks model the meaning of each word within the context of the entire sentence in a 1,000-dimensional vector, whether the sentence is five or 20 words long, before translation begins. This 1,000-dimension model – not the words – is translated into the other language.

Source : Microsoft Translator erodes language barrier for in-person conversations – Next at Microsoft

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