Étiquette : communication (Page 1 of 16)

The Clueless


“The Clueless is an AI modeling agency that carefully curates thoughtful, long-lasting models that beautifully represent diverse personalities, taking the virtual world by storm with their authentic charm and lasting impact.”

Source : Home – The Clueless

Apple announces that RCS support is coming to iPhone next year


“Apple says it will work with the GSMA members on ways to further improve the RCS protocol. This particularly includes improving the security and encryption of RCS messages. Apple also told 9to5Mac that it will not use any sort of proprietary end-to-end encryption on top of RCS. Its focus is on improving the RCS standard itself. For comparison’s sake, Google’s implementation of end-to-end encryption is part of the Messages app on Android rather than the RCS spec itself. ”

Source : Apple announces that RCS support is coming to iPhone next year – 9to5Mac

Suisse romande: La météo matinale est présentée par un avatar

“La première présentatrice télé romande créée à l’aide d’une intelligence artificielle a débarqué sur les écrans le 3 avril. La chaîne M Le Média a eu recours à un logiciel pour fabriquer de toutes pièces l’avatar féminin baptisé Jade pour la présentation du bulletin météo de l’émission matinale. «Les nouvelles technologies font partie de notre stratégie d’innovation pour offrir à notre audience un contenu de qualité», précise Philippe Morax, directeur général du groupe Millennium Média.”

Source : Suisse romande: Surprise! La météo matinale est présentée par un avatar – 20 minutes

Netflix is ending its DVD-by-mail subscription service

Netflix Dvd

“Netflix’s signature red envelopes have finally reached their end. After 25 years of sending discs of movies and TV shows to people through the mail, Netflix is discontinuing the DVD subscription business that started it all, the company announced in its Tuesday earnings report.
“There are titles you can’t find elsewhere. Their library was just huge compared to any sort of streaming option,” said Ann Silverthorn, who first started getting DVDs in the mail in 2009. “I really enjoyed being able see the trailers at the beginning of each disc. I would get so many ideas of new old movies that I might like to see and I’d write them down and sure enough, they’d be in their catalogue.”
“I signed up for it on my own as soon as I moved out of my parents’ house. I barely remember when there wasn’t Netflix,” said Wainscott, 38, who isn’t sure what she’ll do now. “Just getting better internet is not an option, and that’s a reality for a lot of people. People who live in big cities don’t always realize that.””

Source : Netflix is ending its DVD-by-mail subscription service – The Washington Post

Fighting ‘Woke AI,’ Musk Recruits Team to Develop OpenAI Rival


“Elon Musk has approached artificial intelligence researchers in recent weeks about forming a new research lab to develop an alternative to ChatGPT, the high-profile chatbot made by the startup OpenAI, according to two people with direct knowledge of the effort and a third person briefed on the conversations. In recent months Musk has repeatedly criticized OpenAI for installing safeguards that prevent ChatGPT from producing text that might offend users. Musk, who co-founded OpenAI in 2015 but has since cut ties with the startup, suggested last year that OpenAI’s technology was an example of “training AI to be woke.” His comments imply that a rival chatbot would have fewer restrictions on divisive subjects compared to ChatGPT and a related chatbot Microsoft recently launched. To spearhead the effort, Musk has been recruiting Igor Babuschkin, a researcher who recently left Alphabet’s DeepMind AI unit and specializes in the kind of machine-learning models that power chatbots like ChatGPT. ”

Source : Fighting ‘Woke AI,’ Musk Recruits Team to Develop OpenAI Rival — The Information

L’art perdu du papotage : « Quand les gens font la queue à la caisse, ils n’osent plus se parler »


“C’est un phénomène que racontent surtout les plus de 35 ans. Des coiffeuses se sont mises à coiffer des gens qui ne leur parlaient plus. Des contrôleurs de train traversent des voitures dans lesquelles chaque voyageur a les yeux rivés sur un écran. Des caissières voient passer des clients, le téléphone coincé dans le cou, en communication avec des interlocuteurs invisibles. Des médecins observent des salles d’attente dans lesquelles on continue à s’asseoir automatiquement aux deux bouts, mais personne ne brise plus la glace. C’est la fin du bavardage. Pas des grands débats, mais du small talk comme on dit en anglais, « de la pluie et du beau temps » en version française, pour parler de ces petits échanges qui n’ont pourtant généralement pas grand-chose à voir avec la météo. «
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« Autrefois, il arrivait qu’on s’excuse auprès de son voisin de train quand, après avoir discuté, on sortait un livre. Comme si le mode par défaut était d’échanger. A présent, le mode par défaut, c’est d’être plongé dans son téléphone et de s’excuser si on doit lui adresser la parole », explique Diouldé Chartier, dont l’agence D’Cap Research a conduit plusieurs études en observation des comportements des usagers de la SNCF. »

Source : L’art perdu du papotage : « Quand les gens font la queue à la caisse, ils n’osent plus se parler »

CNET Is Experimenting With an AI Assist. Here’s Why

“The goal: to see if the tech can help our busy staff of reporters and editors with their job to cover topics from a 360-degree perspective. Will this AI engine efficiently assist them in using publicly available facts to create the most helpful content so our audience can make better decisions? Will this enable them to create even more deeply researched stories, analyses, features, testing and advice work we’re known for?
I use the term « AI assist » because while the AI engine compiled the story draft or gathered some of the information in the story, every article on CNET – and we publish thousands of new and updated stories each month – is reviewed, fact-checked and edited by an editor with topical expertise before we hit publish. That will remain true as our policy no matter what tools or tech we use to create those stories. And per CNET policy, if we find any errors after we publish, we will publicly correct the story.
Our reputation as a fact-based, unbiased source of news and advice is based on being transparent about how we work and the sources we rely on. So in the past 24 hours, we’ve changed the byline to CNET Money and moved our disclosure so you won’t need to hover over the byline to see it: « This story was assisted by an AI engine and reviewed, fact-checked and edited by our editorial staff. » We always note who edited the story so our audience understands which expert influenced, shaped and fact-checked the article.”

Source : CNET Is Experimenting With an AI Assist. Here’s Why – CNET

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