Étiquette : mapping (Page 2 of 3)

« Here, we are interested in the 2006-2015 period, ten years during which 25.000 projects involving 45.000 people produce a 2-mode graph of more than 63.000 edges. To focus on projects and disciplines, the network is projected into a 1-mode graph of projects only. Thus, the graph displayed below contains over 15.000 projects that were funded between 2006 and 2015 » – Martin Grandjean.

Source : Martin Grandjean » Digital humanities, Data visualization, Network analysis » Complex network visualisation for the history of interdisciplinarity: Mapping research funding in Switzerland

mapping our environment for our health

« Today, with our partners at Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and Aclima, we’re sharing the first results of an endeavor we started in 2015: to measure air quality using Aclima equipment mounted on Google Street View cars. You can now see maps for Oakland, CA, released by EDF, of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and black carbon—pollutants emitted from cars, trucks and other sources that can affect our health and our climate ».

Source : Let’s clear the air: mapping our environment for our health

Macron-2017-v2Work in progress, cartogramme différencié (Pôle cartographie Choros-EPFL) réalisé avec D3.js.

Maj. : plus de nuances centrées et « territoires non habités » en vert.

Votes exprimésWork in progress, cartogramme différencié (Pôle cartographie Choros-EPFL) réalisé avec D3.js.

Cartogramme - Macron - 7 mai 2017

Work in progress, cartogramme différencié (Pôle cartographie Choros-EPFL) réalisé avec D3.js.

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